FIRST good answer gets 10 points!?

So I of late started conservatory today. And I started my time today aswell lol. It's not my first term though.
But I dont know where on earth ANY of the bathrooms are at university.
And im sure near will be ALOT of nation within in attendance and im panicky to conversion because I might be overdue for class or something. So would it be ok if I wore 2 pad. Not lying on respectively other but similar to smudge them up?

After urinary tract infections?

doing two pad furrowed up is not going to put together them more effectual. In certainty if you are have them congregate within the middle you're more imagined to percolate.
freshly walk to the restroom and do what you call for to do. not a soul will thought, most women take period its purely a bit of time and not really that big o business deal.
if you do crisscross up person deferred to class explain it to the tutor or ask your mom to write a file to excuse the tardy for that class. you own to run attention to detail of your personal hygiene.
Or perchance you can ask to stir to the restroom during class so in attendance will not be as copious ppl within the bathroom as endorsement. purely run to the teacher desk and serenely articulate I own to use the restroom , I hold something personal to hold thoroughness of. Your trainer is an full-size they can toy with audible range it. and its not resembling the guru is gonna engender fun of you...

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Go to university precipitate and find adjectives the bathrooms. wear a panty liner and use a tampon. Also bring an extra duo of panty's near you only just incase you obtain hard to digest adequate to bleed though everything. Go in btw classes as resourcefully.

Anybody on?

i suggest it would be okay, but it would be especially self-conscious! you could try using a tampon and a wipe or bring a tweaking of pant or something. apposite luck
hope this helps**

I own only just get stretch grades but I am going on holiday subsequent week beside my boyfrend. I am 13 and really?

I feel that you should a moment ago wear one, but, heck, Im a guy.

help yourself to guardianship

is it majority to enjoy a frenzy and really sleepy when you get your time?

why don't you do this:
wear two pad lying on respectively other.
later, when you want to loose change, adjectives you own to do is hold out the top wipe and the bottom one will already be surrounded by place!
wearing two subsequent to respectively other doesn't brand name any sense.

It's be almost over a month since my second time of year finished. I stipulation lend a hand.?

i guess so, but that would be totally self-conscious and complex to position. i dont guess thats a apposite impression. if u dont ride the bus, after go and get to conservatory untimely and find the bathrooms, it dosent rob that long to regulation 1. I don`t know wear a wipe and a liner or a tampon and wipe or cracked wipe and regular wipe. devout luck.

Girls docters relieve !! what wrong beside me ?

try wearing a tampon AND a wipe, that instrument when u inevitability to tuning, u simply pocket out the tampon, NO WRAPPERS! lol i do it an it is awesome and its a backup incase the tampon leak.besides i dont guess that two pad will fit on ur panties at duplicate time

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It would be a bit distinct and it might bleed out the sides. Why not wear a especially spongy tampon and a notably leaky wipe together? Then find out where on earth the bathrooms are and flush the toilet when you have need of to break open a wrapper, or go and get a friend to flush the one subsequent to you. Here's what I do; interested adjectives the wrappers (on pad only) the hours of darkness until that time so you don't hold to run through the integral rustling point.

Menstral cycle is severely lateand other irregularwhy?

whoa, your institution starts hasty. do you hold a map? try to find which bathrooms are closer to your classes. don't wear 2 pad, you could wear 1 big, sticky one or a tampon. and devolution during your lunch, that will bequeath you more time.

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I guess you should wear an overnight wad those are more spongy or where on earth a tampon and a wad, That path you can put a couple of them surrounded by your pocket or similar to me within the front of my bra contained by between my breast to covering it . wear shady colored skirt or jeans, put a duet of fitted shorts on so you don't give attention to that inhabitants are staring at your wipe adjectives hours of daylight.
win to conservatory rash so that you can stroll the hall to find out where on earth the closest bathrooms are to the classes you will be surrounded by.

These are some of the things I did in conservatory. when I have my extent and didn't want others adjectives surrounded by my business.

Good luck I hope that help

i'm 12 and i inevitability minister to!?

The single fruitless entry roughly speaking inside layer them up is that sometimes the wad on top can flip and the sticky stuff would draw from stuck within your coat (not trying to be gross, sorry).

Ask a nurse or counselor at university if they could direct you to the bathroom, that approach you would know where on earth it is. As I explained previously, fetch extra pad within your purse. Use the box (or trash can) contained by the stall to dispose of the used wad - wrap it up first.

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Hey if you're springing a bleed...forget individual a few minutes slowly for class! You don't want to be walking around looking similar to you enjoy sit contained by some red dye do you?

.Yeah so I suggest that you lately start using tampons, and panty liner. Bring a couple extra a short time ago contained by bag. Plus you're supposed to cash them similar to every 4-6 hours or so anyways, so it would be sagacious to bring extras.

*As for the bathrooms, don't be shy to be in motion into the department and ask someone surrounded by in attendance. Or ask one of your teacher, how is that embarassing? Oh and if you're worried roughly speaking mortal behind time for class because of a slick or something...afterwards (if you are comfortable) a moment ago check surrounded by near the trainer you own, and update them that it's that time of the month and it's a bathroom emergency* Guy or Girl they'll comprehend. They own to.

.Good luck.

Does anyone know of alternatives to HRT?

Yup, it would be okay. Just craft sure that it doesn't spawn you saunter funny and please breed sure to shift your pad as it can grounds some serious diseases if you don't.

Have a smiling length!! :)

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try using a tampon and wear a wad basically within skin

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I totally know what you are going through. I get my spell the time back and I didn't know what to do. Wearing 2 pad resting on respectively other is what I did. It worked great. Not the most comfortable article within the world but it sure help. :)

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Yes! But be smart and ask where on earth the bathroom is.
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