My parnters condom got stuck contained by my vagina and I can't get it out. Any comfort?

Should i go 2 the doc


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Okay, you could try to receive it out yourself as all the above suggested, but what in the region of asking your boyfriend?? He left it within! He'll also be in a better position to see what he's doing afterwards you would. Get in a comfortable position still. And I surmise if you're not on the pill, you should go to the doctor's to ask for the Morning After Pill. You really could get hold of pregnant here. Good luck.

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go for doctor oblige.he /she will solve urs problem,donot worry.
best of luck

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Stick your fingers in and pull it out! It can't stir anywhere. Go to the bathroom get in your birthday suit, squat down and fish it out. Seriously, your vagina is only 4-5 inches weighty, and the condom cannot go anywhere else...Don't frenzy...

Help! i dont know!?

pull it out and tell your partner to obtain tight fitting condoms

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I find that hard to believe,but you can capture it out. Just keep trying in different positions,and you should be capable of get it near a finger. If this don't work your doctor's finger will.

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I think you should lately get it out urself....freshly go to the bathroom and near....its shouldnt be that hard to bring out.......if you are a little afraid only just go to the doctor.....he should be capable of get it out. !~Best of luck~... :)

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Just dance to a doctor or a health center. The same article happened to me next to a tampon. They actually did enjoy to use forceps to get it out. It may come across embarrassing, but they treaty with things close to this all the time. Plus it's better to get hold of it out now b/c if you give up your job it in at hand, you can get a really ruthless infection. Best of luck!

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First, I think you should try to get hold of the condom out yourself. Just relax, find a comfortable position in the bathroom or your room, and use your fingers to get it out. Be far-sighted, not to spill the semen from the condom near your vagina. If you are still have difficulties go to your doctor soon, even if you do gain it out visit your doc, don't give up your job it in.

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Same tihng happeded to me final year. The condom broke and a piece of rubber was disappeared in my vagina. I contemplate u can get it out urself, close to I did. Put ur finger in and move it slowly around till u find it. Don't worry it won't jump anyplace.

Question for the ladies (graphic).?

haha are u serious

YES, get some comfort asap

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sqat down and get it yourself. however, be there sperm surrounded by the condom? maybe you should check to see if you are pregnant.

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just put one finger in, and try to hook the condom near your finger. or better, ask your partner for help. also try squatting when you try to find it.

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