Can u overdose on anti-deppressant pill? if so what will occur?


Can I be pregnant?

Yes you can overdose on any type of pill but tylenol is the only one that won't hurt you. It will mete out confusion, dizziness, seizures, nausea, vomiting, increased blood pressure, swift heart rate, ect. If you take ample of it and don't get medical attention it might eradicate you but you would have to rob a lot and the probability of someone not finding you to get you the attetion that you requirement is pretty slim. When someone does find you and takes you to the hospital they'll stick you next to a bunch of needles and iv's hook you up to a heart monitor and they'll treat you like crap because they don't approaching people who attempt suicide contained by their minds they have better things to do similar to helping people that want their oblige. Oh and the best part of it adjectives is the charcol. Oh it's so great! It's this really thik dark stuff that they be paid you drink and it tastes close to crap. It tastes close to sand and chalk. Try putting a bunch of chalk in your mouth and suck on it and that's what charcol is. And you don't have to drink in recent times a little bit any depending on your weight you'll own to drink atleast 1 bottle its the amount of a 2 litre bottle of pop. If you refuse to drink it they'll restrain you and put a big huge tube up your feeler and down your throwt into your stomach and force you drink it. When the doctors think that you're okay medically they'll commit you into the psychiactric part where you'll hold to spend atleast 2 weeks with a bunch of startling weirdo's and that's only if the drugs don't do too much overexploit. You may cause sever liver and brain defacement and you'll have to spend the rest of your life span as a vegetable or you'll have to hold a feeding tube surrounded by your nose for the rest of your vivacity. If you really want to overdose think tricky about the consequences that could start if you don't die. Please get lend a hand. Anti-depressants are there for you to consistency better and to stop having these thoughts.

Yeast infection or what?


Is it everyday after waking up not to feel/or know how to use my hands for at tiniest an hour?

I would say yes and the state-of-the-art would be death!

Breast running down at 18?

YES! seizures, coma, vomit, unsettled, fainting, dizzy, and DEATH

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