Does anyone know what happens when you filch the abortion pills? how long do you bleed if you do?


What would you do?

The abortion pill regimen actually consists of two chemicals. The first chemical cause the lining of your womb to break down, adjectives off your kid's source of nourishment. Your little one starves to death inside you. A second chemical is after given to cause rugged contractions which push the dead babe out of your body. Pain is severe, bleeding is excessive, and the entire process takes an average of nine days. You should know that at smallest 11 women have died so far after taking the abortion pill:

Many other women (at smallest 68 in the U.S. surrounded by a four year period) were save only by blood transfusions. One woman lost 1/2 to 2/3's of the blood surrounded by her body after taking the pills. For more on the adverse effects of the abortion pill, see:

You can read stories from women who used the abortion pill here:

Aside from the very physical danger to yourself, you want to understand that any method of abortion will eliminate your baby. Are you the type of woman who can income someone to kill your own son or daughter? At only just three weeks after conception, your baby's heart is already battering. By six weeks, he or she has tiny fingers and recordable brain breakers. She is depending on you for protection. You can do the right thing.

If you call for help of any generous, please go to a crisis pregnancy center. You can find one in your nouns by calling 1-800-395-HELP or visiting:

All of their services are free and confidential. They can grant you referrals for financial, medical, court, and housing assistance; free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds; free motherliness and baby supplies; pregnancy, parenting, and adoption information; and counseling and heated support.

For more information, see:

Photos and Video of Abortions, Including 1st Trimester Abortions:

Information on All Aspects of Abortion:

Photos and Facts About Prenatal Development:

Abortion Risks:

Abortion Deaths:

Support for Pregnant Teens:

Support for Pregnant College and Career Women:

By the way, Planned Parenthood is contained by the business of selling abortion. They are not going to provide you with middle-of-the-road information. If you needed information on the dangers of driving a faultless type of car, would you trust the coup?? salesman to tell you the truth? Please capture your information from people who hold zero financial interest in your decree.

Why do girls have weaker backbone?

depends on the girl-everyone is different. you can bleed a moment or two, or a ton. i only did a moment or two. but some girls bleed buckets. talk to planned motherliness for more info.

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