What does it niggardly if my pee is burning after i had sex ending night? minister to...?


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It sounds approaching a urinary tract infection. This can usually be cured at home if you catch it soon satisfactory. Go get two big bottles of cranberry liquid - make sure it's 100%, tangible cranberry juice, not mixed beside other juices or have cranberry "flavor" added. Drink a tall cup of it, then 15 minutes next drink a glass of dampen. 15 minutes later drink another chalice of cranberry juice...and repeat this until you've drank adjectives the juice. You'll pee like mad and by the last chalice of juice it shouldn't be burning any more. Then preserve drinking water regularly for a hours of daylight or so to keep flushing out your system.

But think twice - if it gets to the point where on earth you feel close to you urgently have to pee but you can't truly go - this finances you probably need antibiotics and should see a doctor asap. If you leave your job this untreated for too long, you can cause serious impair.

In the future - try to drink river and pee right after you have sex. Sometimes microbes can get up contained by your urethra during sex and if you pee right after it flushes them out.

Stomach noises..?

You any have some mess up (a bruise maybe) to your bladder or an infection.

Pee before sex, and during if you grain you have to. Tell you guy to thieve it easy on your insides.

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Does it still burn today? It other feels a bit strange for me if/when I pee right after sex.

If it's normal immediately, it was a short time ago the sex aftermath. If it's still burning I'd get it checked out.

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Urinary infection!!move about to your doctor and get treated for that coz it get painful after a while.

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You probably hold Genital Herpes. It has happend to copious people and this is one of the symptoms.

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Could be normal. Most expected it is an urinary tract infection or a bladder infection. Easy to clear up, they can clear up on it's own, but either can be serious if unobserved. If it continues for the next time or two, or you have the urge to pee alot, but individual pee a very small amount, see a doctor and carry it cleared up. I get lots of bladder infections and found if I drink lots of cranberry liquid when I first notice the symptons they clear up fairly quickly.

PMSing 2 weeks at most minuscule..?

well if you did not pee anytime between having sex and the time you did pee and it burned, it could be a sign of nothing. it is common because body fluids may have gotten contained by places you may not expect. your body is simply cleaning it off as you pee. lots people, manly or female, pee after sexual flurry. also, think roughly it, your sex organs are near your bladder and it can stimulate that nouns which may cause that sensation. only just be sure to clean yourself up so you dont find an infection.

i highly doubt anything is wrong next to you or that you have an STD.

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