Are there any ladies who filch Premerin/Provera?
Im suppose 2 filch provera for 7days straight...I Only take it for 3days and I still draw from bitchy. Imagine if I took it for 7days!! God I"d be in a loooney house.
What should I do?
How do other girls get rid of obese in they're lower stomach?
Yes I do. I enjoy turner syndrome and I need to filch it because of my hormone level. Im suppose to start taking it today.What is ur dosage? Email me because I enjoy more questions for you. [email protected]
How do you get hold of the pill in australia?
Tell your doctor what you're experiencing and possibly he/she can prescribe something else, like birth control.Which Vitamin is besr for my situation?
i asked my dr for that as (i kno this is gross but...) i be heavy bleeding for similar to 2 months! and i had to dance into surgery for a hip replacement. he gave me megestrol its approaching the same entity! it stopped my bleeding from the first pill! i quit taking them after my surgery its been 2 months! and in a minute the bleeding started AgAIN!even with the pills! im one and only 37 and i think its impulsive menepause! but i too have matching affect with the pills and im supposed to lug 2 a day but i dont! i would suggest one and the same for u! only give somebody a lift it like once a daylight every 2-3 days IF THAT- Underarm sweat problems.?
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