After your First ever Period how long does it take for the subsequent one.?

In the Summer of 2005 I had my first time of year. I then have it for about 5 days after that. Its be about 3 years since next and i still haven't gotten the next one. I go for a routine cheak up at the doctors and she said in some cases it can take up to 3 years. I'm really starting to catch worried though.

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You really entail to see another doctor. How old are you? I get my first period when I be fifteen...and it took a good 8 months at lowest to get my second one. I have extremely irregular cycles...and it's not normal. You should own gotten another one by now. I've NEVER hear of it taking three years...that's crazy. Do find a new doctor. A apt one will do a blood test to see what's going on next to your hormones. At the time the doctor prescribed a progesterone medicine that I took for ten days and later after the tenth day my term would come. Eventually it helped regulate my cycles.

You're doctor may want to acquire you on a birth it's regular. DON'T DO THAT. I made the mistake of doing that a few years later and it COMPLETELY messed my cycles up. It doesn't sustain regulate your period surrounded by the long's just a intervening fix...and you don't want problems later within life because of it. =)

Hope this help!!

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how antiquated are you?

get a second judgment

Is it normal to experience clear, cervical discharge for seven days? I be supposed to ovulate on Wednesday.?

In most cases where the hormones and everything is average in a feminine, a female will own her period every 28 days.Ifyou haveit more or smaller number than that something is wrong.In your case the doctor isn't recitation you everything.

Women only please?

That is a extremely long time, and I can understand why you would be worried. Are you overweight or underweight? This can affect your extent. Often, after your first period it is sporadic at best...this is not extraordinary. I feel three years a moment or two uncomfortable and I muse you should seek a second judgment. To rule out anything serious. If you get an adjectives clean...delight in the freedom! Oh, and the pill might regulate it.

My boobs are gettin smaller??

after my very first, I didnt own mine again for about a yr. and my first one i have at age 15. I'm now almost 17 and I enjoy yet to hold my period "on time". My mom be the same channel, until she was more or less 17 or so, so maybe your problem is inherent too. You should prob. get a 2nd belief tho, if the doctor says 3yrs is regular.

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