Has anyone else?

2 nights ago i woke up and i have alot of pressure in between my breasts, it be a little firm to breathe (not sure if it was from the pressure notion or what) well i get up and tryed to stretch to see if it helped and it didnt, i rolled around contained by bed until i just couldnt embezzle it anymore i got up and started walking around, after in the region of 15 mins of walking around my house i went into the bathroom and feel like i be gonna barf, well i did, shortly after that i go in and woke up my husband and we be talking for nearly 20 mins and then it started to be aware of better, it was sore outlook but the pressure when away, has anyone expierenced this since? that has single happened that one time. i also bring these weird mood in my legs, i dont know if its because i used to cross my legs alot or what, but sometimes they will grasp all tingley and i will grasp pins and needles in it and they will go numb. im only curious as to if anyone went threw this formerly and if so what was wrong?


Ovulation and PMS?

at hand is a commercial that talks nearly all the things that you are discussing right know. it is ring restless leg syndrome (RLS). the commercial said that this is a very series condition. and you should speak to a Dr. about it.
it have something to do with the blood circulation within your legs. the commercial said you can't rest, you don't get nouns, unless you get up and hike around, it feel approaching you have pins sticking you. it even say that it will keep you up at hours of darkness. there is a pill that the Dr can prescribe to you. but you hold to see the Dr. to see if you have restless leg syndrome. apposite luck, hope all is in good health

How much am i supposed to weight?

i hold the same problem. I own asthma though and thought i was have an asthma attack. my husband took me to the er and they said since i was contained by my late teens at the time that it's typically seen by ppl between 18-30. it's a muscle around ur breast bone. it contracts and make it hard to breath. yea i know it's throbbing. the only entity they told me to do was run some aleve. i've gotten it a few times afterwards but i get up put my arms over my manager and walk around. save take a hot shower and breathe within the steam from the water. that help me out. hope this helps.

Crazy mood swings?

Pressure or stomach-ache to the chest area is frequently heart related. When the blood vessel in the heart muscle diminish or spasm the heart does not get plenty oxygen and chest pain or pressure can result. It can be serious. If you are afraid to stir to the doctor and get this checked out, (which is exactly what you should do) you can buy a bottle of Maalox and a bottle of nitroglycerin. Ask the pharmacist, you should be capable of buy it over the counter. Nitro comes in spray and pill form. The spray is nicer but costs a bit more. The subsequent time you have an episode of chest throbbing, shortness of breath, or chest pressure, take a swig of Maalox. If it is your stomach acting up the Maalox will work. If it doesn't, try a dose of nitro. It might tender you a headache and it will drop your blood pressure. If the nitro works, you probably have angina. Usually angina will settle near rest but it should also respond to nitro. Never, Never, Never take more than 3 doses of nitro and never smaller quantity than 5 minutes apart. Your blood pressure will drop and you will be in bigger trouble. I suspect you do have angina. You should be diagnosed and treated by a doctor. Try going to a free clinic or find some other mode of getting medical treatment. This is the usual treatment for angina but YOU SHOULD BE UNDER A DOCTORS CARE! Your concerns with your legs a separate issue probably due to pressure on the sciatic sassiness.

Do any of you ACTUALLY get mood swings during your interval?

I have have a few experiences just similar to yours and when I went to the Dr. they told me lower than all the different stressors I be having it could enjoy very in good health been a nouns attack but to be sure they wanted me to come within when it was arranged or very shortly after. so 8 months following it happened and i go to the Dr. ASAP and they ran some test and confirmed it was frenzy or anxiety attacks they said there be drugs that they could put me on but it is also possible since it is a rare rate in my satchel to just try and control my stressors by discussion to someone or writing it down in a journal anything to facilitate relieve those daily stressors and it could give support to relieve the symptoms or make them dissipate completely.

It sounds close to our situations are very similar but when you can I would suggest finding a Dr. in your town and checking it out merely to be sure. Hope this helped.

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