Ladies, if your hubby had an stroke of luck and not able to produce sex any more?

how would you handle it

One month or 3 months for the pill?

all right there are other things one an do to be sexually sastified, i reflect on if one truly loves their husband then even though sex is meaningful you can still do things "sexually" together if he cant perform the work of penetration etc. you can use devices to please yourself and he can view and you can still have intimate things approaching hugging and kissing- i know it is not the same but i simply feel explicitly what i would want to do if my hubby could not perform...

Birth control?

there are other ways to be intimate bar sex. How old are you? There are also other parts of the body that can be used besides the penis and the mind is also extremely important.

Has anyone have any luck with ear stapling for freight loss?

If it's just something like getting it up there are other things. There are lots things you can do besides the basic. Try oral, vibrator, etc and you can still pleasure him by oral or optical stimulation. Remember sex isn't everything.

What are bras for?

there is other ways he can please you, you just get to try everything in the book.

Sugar cravings, sore breasts, and feeling lousy a week beforehand period?

you must be a yung un when you enjoy been married thirty years to equal person nearby are alot more things than sex to bring you joy to your life span

Why haven't I been competent to?

I'm not married yet, but i am out of stock to an amazing man. if he could no longer perform sexually we'd obtain through it. There are a lot of ways to receive sexual pleasure but even if none of those be possible with him, I'd STILL stay near him. There are more important things in energy... you don't abandon someone only just because they have have the misfortune of losing their sexual abilities.

Is a COMPLETELY balding guy (except head hair) better/more attractive/or preferred to a guy beside body hair?

Wow did I write this? Gently. It's not his denounce.

In a birth control 28 pack, do i have to hold the last 7, can;t i only take it out and throw it?

The same instrument I would want him to handle it if I couldn't enjoy sex anymore. I would try please him any way possible. There's more to matrimonial than sex. That's not the reason I married him anyway.

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