What is the name of the surgical procedure for NONpermanent Birth Control?

There is a surgical procedure for non permanent birth control kind of close to tubal ligation but as mentioned its NON permanent. It be advertised on small screen but i dont recall the pet name of it. Does anyone here know what i'm talking roughly speaking?

I have a gynecological sound out. In the past six months I started have fainting, vomiting, and nausea?

There are a few things...

The singular thing I can really reckon of along the lines of what you may be talking around is getting your tubes tied. You can have them "tied" which is to be more permenent but is reversable.

There is also something call Norplant. Norplant is made up of six tiny silicone rods that contain progestin. These rods are implanted under the skin of your upper arm where on earth they are left for as long as five years. But this is not surgical, it is done within your doctor's office within about 10 minutes.

Lastly in attendance is the IUD. There are two different types of this. It is a "T" shaped device that is impated into your uterus. I don't deduce this is very adjectives as sometimes it can cause problems, and also a string hang down your vagina which some women and men find it bothers them during sex. This method can last 5-12 years. I've also in fact read some answers on here from women stating they have gotten pregnant on this method.

Is it average to have stretch grades when I'm only 20 years prehistoric?

You might be talking give or take a few Essure, it's spring coils inserted into the fallopian tubes, but I believe that is also irretrievable, just smaller quantity invasive.

BC Pills are non-permanent, IUD's are also non-permanent (although after having mine removed I've have 5 miscarriages and never had another child). Depo is non-permanent, but every woman I know who have had it have gained a ton of mass.

What are some examples?

I do not believe there is a non irreversible surgical procedure. I have see TV advertisements for the Mirena IUD which I hold and love. It is good for 5 years. It is placed by a Dr but not through surgery.

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