Has anyone bleed for a long time from an IUD?

like over a month and if yes has it cause a funny odor from the dried bllod?

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Prolonged bleeding can be a adjectives side effect of having an IUD - expressly the copper ones. I know this because I had my copper IUD replaced within December after experiencing constant bleeding for three months. I now enjoy a Mirena (the IUD that contains progesterone) and have have no further problems.

Another cause for excessive bleeding (which you may also choice to investigate) is infection. People that use the IUD are more prone to infections and these can play havoc with your hormones, prime to irregular bleeding, absent period, spotting or prolonged periods. Consult your Dr and ask them to do a swab assessment to rule this out.

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Bleeding and spotting can be normal side effects from getting an IUD inserted depending on how long you've have it it. Mainly the first 6 months are the most irregular. If you're having issues near odor and you're sure it's not an infection you might want to carry drizzling naps so that you can verbs the dried blood off when you use the restroom.

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