What can a woman do to go and get clean back anal sex?

For hygiene and ascetic reasons, I'd resembling to know the best way to set just about cleaning the anus and rectum.

Is it normal to have a feeling sick when you have your interval?

It depends on how thorough you want to get. The most verbs way would be to use some melt water (don't use anything else- it tend to dry out and irritate the sensitive and delicate rectal tissues, of late making things unpleasant for you) and an enema, which can be purchased at any drug store. Follow the directions on the box until you feel squeaky verbs!

Other than that, simply washing should be fine- prod a finger in at hand and swirl it around in the tub (better than the shower) to make sure things are honourably clean. It should do the trick.

There's an interesting 'debate' roughly the best way to prepare for anal sex, hygienically speaking, here:


Hope that help!

OMG guys! please answer! boys only!?

Wipes? Spray sea at her anus (though this could be a turn on for her)?

When did you get your extent?

I forget the name of it, but in attendance is a device that looks somewhat like a teapot that sprays wet at the butthole to clean it. Oprah be talking roughly it on her show a while ago.

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