Endometrial Biopsy?

I have be having immense periods for some years presently, i can't complain tho as they only end 3 - 4 days.
However the period previously last be extremely heavy, i cannot even classify it as a time of year, more like an haemorrage, infact i have to call 911.
I be admitted to hospital and stayed within for 2 days, the bleeding did subside.
The hospital did do an ultrasound which showed a small fibroid and a bulky uterus
Strangely enough i never have any pain whatsoever near the haemorrage whereas normally beside my periods i do own pain so not sure what that resources.
Hospital referred me to Gynacologist who i saw about 1 month ago, i have an endometrial biopsy taken.
He told me it would take 10 days for it to come back.
Well immediately it is 3 weeks on, i just phoned bureau and was told results have just come hindmost today. Drhas not seen them even so and he will contact me next week.
My quiz is to you ladies, have you have one done, and is it a bad sign when it take so long to come back or is it positive?

Breast size.?

First rotten, I don't think you can desire if the results are "good or bad" by how long it take the doctor to get the results. Bad results go and get to the referring doctor as soon as good results would. I am thinking that the doctor's bureau is just slow! Maybe it isn't their bad habit, maybe they own a huge caseload, whatever. It is undeserved to their patients though! Once any of us have have a test, we verbs until we get the results, and doctors should realize that. Even ten days sounds similar to a long time for biopsy results. When we do breast biopsies, they are done on Friday. The pathologist at our hospital does not work on weekends, and even so, by Wednesday morning, our office have a pathological report faxed to us. So, I would say that your doctor's department has have that report for a few days, and they are just too busy or simply too lazy to report the findings to you. When you are adjectives done with this situation, I would write a memorandum to your doctor and tell them how you feel when you were waiting for adjectives this time. You don't have to appointment names or curse or be bad..but let them know how you feel!

As a total guess, I would say that your results are probably fine. Usually anomalous results don't sit in a doctor's department for long before some sort of conduct is taken. Best wishes to you!

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