Not pregnant but late length?

im only 14 years mature and im a virgin(which eliminates pregnancy as an explanation) and my spell is close to three weeks late. for the recent past year its been pretty regular, so i dont know what the promise is. i swim 6 days a week and do lots of exercise for that, but ive been swimming for years and that hasn't stopped my time. i also dont take birth what could be some reason my period is deferred..? and will i ever get it again?

Did i break my hymen?

I'm defer this question to my girlfriend...

"Since you are so young-looking it's not at all unusual to suddenly start having irregular period. Some people start out have them regularly and then become irregular, or vice versa, even after their term has acted impossible to tell apart way for years. Depending on how long you enjoy been have your period, your body could still be settling into a template. I've read that some girls stop having it for months at a time beforehand they finally settle into a monthly cycle. There is the possibilty that the amount of exercise you are getting is making your periods more irregular, but if your body is used to it I don't see it human being a problem. It's probably nothing to verbs about- I had a 52 year cycle once and then go back to self normal again. If it's be a really long time and you're worried, give your doctor a call for and ask him/her what s/he thinks."

Hope that help!

Do you think the 5 year birthcontrol pill is protected?

I know that stress can cause it. If you enjoy been stressed almost anything lately it can make your term be irregular. I am planning a wedding and near that comes a lot of stress and my interval has be late a few times lately. You will bring it again, sometimes it just get off track.

I other bleed after?

your hormones are still in the process of regulating themselves. excersing as you do can effect a period to run slowly if you don't have a peiod within another week or two i would check with your doctor.

Painful bump on my vagina (women only)?

I know from experience that as a pubescent and growing into a young woman...your cycle may swing from time to time, so I wouldn't be too worried. Stress could be a factor may want to check with your doctor if it continues. Hope that help some.

What can I do if I missed three days of the b-control pill, and I'm on the second day(monday) of my period?

The 1st press that wuld come 2 mind is if there culd b any course that u culd have an consumption disorder.It culd also b many other things.A cyste or nerves,mayb.U obligation 2 talk 2 yur mom & move about get checked out.Good luck!*

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