Do you enjoy to remove a fibroadenoma?

I am 27 and I recently found a lump within my breast.After doing a ultra sound my doctor say it is fibroadenema. He recommends removing it by surgery consequently testing it. It this the common route to take near this diagnosis?

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You doctor is doing the best thing for you, Please listen to him previously anyone online.

If you have Fibroadenoma(s) at your age you hold an increased risk of cancer and its better to remove it than monitor it because it could also become malignant later and you possibly near develop others.

Do you have a history of breast cancer within your family?

Fibroadenomas are benign tumors composed of stromal and epithelial elements. These tumors are commonly see in young-looking women. Multiple or complex fibroadenomas may indicate a slightly increased risk for breast cancer; the relative risk of patients with such fibroadenomas is approximately twice that of patients of similar age lacking fibroadenomas.

If a biopsy indicates that the lump is a fibroadenoma, the lump may be left surrounded by place or removed, depending on the patient and the lump. If disappeared in place, it may be watch over time with physical examinations, mammograms, and ultrasounds.
The lump may be surgically removed at the time of an stretch out biopsy (this is called an excisional biopsy). The decree depends on the features of the lump and the patient's preferences.
Alternative treatments include removing the lump beside a needle, and destroying the lump in need removing it (such as by freezing, in a process called cryoablation).

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Yes, you really realllllly don't want to leave that contained by there.

Hmmm, is this angelic?

I am 27 too. My doctor also thought I had a Fibradenoma, and he said I could linger up to a year for the biopsy, but I opted to enjoy the biopsy ASAP. I'm really glad I did because a few days after the biopsy, I was diagnosed beside Stage 2 Breast Cancer last year. About 1 within 12 lumps in pre-menopausal women lapse up being cancer, which is much better than most people, including medical professionals realize. Even if the lump is benign, a biopsy will confer you peace of mind. If you are nervous going on for an excisional biopsy, you could ask about a nozzle core biopsy. You may benefit from reading the phamphlet "Understanding Breast Changes" which you can find online using a search engine.

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