What are the probability I am pregnant? Should I be worrying?

Yesterday I was beside a guy, and although no sexual intercourse took place, I fear he might enjoy had some seminal fluids when he fingered me. He told me he did not ejaculate or anything, so if anything, it be probably pre . Also, he did not really go "all" the method in near his finger, since I am a virgin and it began to hurt. Perhaps lone 1 inch (at most!). Now, we were also rubbing up against respectively other quite a bit, and I am really REALLY disconcerted.

Could I be pregnant? I understand I made a HORRIBLE mistake, and I wont ever do it again :( Just please facilitate me,.

My period is due on the 18th (my end one was april 18th and they usually concluding 30 days). Well, would I have be ovulating?

Ah, please just relieve me. The guilt is literally tearing me apart.


OK although your probability are low, but you never know. I do however think that you shouldn't verbs much because it's takes more than fingering to draw from pregnant. He must ejaculate real firm inside for the sperm to get to the egg and it's a long pass through for the sperm believe me lol. So just longing for the best and good luck. Becareful subsequent time.

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The probability are very , especially slim !! Please don't stress yourself!!

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Pre-ejaculation can get someone pregnant but the likelihood are very low. Did he touched his penis and it be wet near pre-ejaculation and got it on his mitt? If he didn't, what you felt be probably your vaginal fluids. Ask him if that was what he did. Remember, this is in the order of your health and very well being and hold every right to ask him what he did. And what do you mean by "rubbing up against respectively other"? did you two have clothes on or stale and was in that touching of your sexual organs? If you are worried by the time your period comes, buy a pregnancy exam or go to the Planned Parenthood Center. Go to the Planned Parenthood website for more answers!

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