When u bring pubic lice/crabs are u supposed to shave the hair stale?

I noticed I have crabs and they made me nervous so after I vanished the dr i went home and shaved it adjectives off. Was that wrong?

How Do I Get Rid Of?

Ew... Don't overrun it on to anyone.

Help, please!?


Im 16 years old, is my extent normal?

too belatedly now

I don't know what is wrong next to me?

It probably didn't hurt.

Unless you used a dull razor.

Sudden Irregular term during pregnant?

You can shave if you want but you don't have to. The tablets will take supervision of the lice.

After a total hysterectomy, what are the risks of not taking hrt or the necessities of taking them?

You go to the movies and pour buttered popcorn surrounded by your lap. When the lice/crabs run to the lobby to get a drink of wet, you move to another seat!

If i go to drs bout summin would thy tell my parents ?

ask the doctor. ew thats gross. quit have sex with callous guys.

quit having sex extent.

love, Cinderella

I am 11 and I want to know what are some signs of me starting my period?


Is it mundane #2?

shaving the hair will support because they lay eggs so treat the hair shave it and afterwards make sure you swab pretty much everything you own ... vaccume youre entire house couches chairs carptes mattress.. everything .. you dont just take pubic lice from sex but i would have your bf or whoever you are sleeping next to treat just surrounded by case too and retreat or a short time ago keep shaving to prevent reoccurance

Women lone?

Not wrong and it will help if you preserve it shaved absolutely stripped. All of it, all the opening round. But continue to use the lotion.

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