Is there something wrong if your length changes from hasty in the month to following?

My period used to come during the second week in the month but presently its changed to the end of the month. Is this something i should be concerned in the region of? I have become sexually alive, im not sure if that matters though. Any design?


Certain Dri?

Your period comes at different times of the month because in attendance is not the same number of days contained by each month and because your cycle isnt the number of days surrounded by a month.

For example, the average cycle is 28 days. There are 30 and 31 days in the month. So one month you could start on the 3rd, and the subsequent month on the 5th, and so forth. So naturally the date of the month will drift.

The 28 days is only an average. The only empire I have ever agreed that were truly on a 28 day cycle are those on birth control. It is realativly typical to have a cycle that go anywhere btween like 24 days and 38 days. That isnt approaching a medical number, that is freshly from experience of other women that i know.

Starting any kind of birth control can revise your cycle. Stress can change your cycle. Some articulate your diet can change it.

Also teenagers are from time to time regular.

If you are really freaked out and think something is wrong, consequently go to the doc. Gut response is worth a lot. But surrounded by general this is regular and nothing to verbs about.

Painful period?

it shouldnt matter, as long as you re still getting it. It happen to me too. if any doubts about one pregnant buy a test! pronto


No down the month is usu the reason why this happen.

good luck sweetheart

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Your cycle can change. If you stared taking birth control beforehand you became sexually stirring, it may have regulated it.Your cycle can silver due to how your feeling.Don't perceive bad because i used to enjoy peroid lduring the second week of a month and now it comes at the extension of the month like yours.

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I suggest that your sexual activity, even if it is simply the beginning of it, have nothing to do near this change within period. It might be some stressed situation, or some problems that you are dealing beside now, so it have an impact on your body, and especially on your reproductive organs, so to the periods as capably. I have this quality of problems very frequently because I work below big pressure, and sometimes it lasts for unbelievably long periods. When I have very exalted exams to prepare I was so faint-hearted that I missed one do not verbs, try to relax and I this problem persists than you can be in motion to visit your doctor and make conversation about this piece. He/she will give you adjectives the necessary answers:) Regards!

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