Im have trouble inserting or letting.....?

a mans penis inside me. Im a vrergin..Like i procure heaps wet and arounsed but for sum grounds the penis want go contained by.

Fingers do... but from behind within a standing position sort of bent over the penis want go within. I dont feel any pian.

It go in once but afterwards he though i pushed it out.. or sumthing..andthen it wouldnt go wager on so gave up..

direction? reasons? what am I doing wrong?

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You nouns like I did when I first considered necessary to use tampons.. for the life of me I couldn't grasp them in.. but after trying almost 20 times and examing the diagrams at length I finally figured it out.

Try a different position -- such as him on top you lying down next to your legs spread widely.. This is the most natural position for most humans -- we developed a want for mortal face to facade and the bodies fit together very ably this way.

Another problem could be your lubrication. Yes you take wet, but that doesn't expect all the surrounding areas do too that entail to be -- try using some lube. Try having sex within a different position. And try calmminngg down and try try try again until it works. It WILL work. lol

Most likely he inserted wrong and hit your pubic bone -- you own to be bent WAY WAY WAY over -- touch your toes.. for the position you describe to work.

If you really want from behind.. try one on all -fours- near your head down and butt raise. This is better for insertion but it's actually an intense position and I don't reckon it's a fitting one for the first time you have sex.

Do the him on top -- your legs spread -- use lubrication -- point .. and if that doesn't work THEN consult diagrams and maybe see your doctor.

P.S. I've usually have to guide penises into the vagina. Meaning, actually snatch it and put it in the germ of the vaginal canal -- men tend to enjoy a hard time making something kindof pliable poke the right thing..

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Have a medical check up to see what the problem is, it sounds only a minor problem, at tiniest it will put your mind at rest, and then you will know how to have mundane sex like everyone else! Have a flawless day!

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Try using some lube. Even if you are heaps wet the outside of you may still be a moment or two dry. I had duplicate type of situation and the lube helped me.

Good Luck and hold trying it will happen eventually

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