Women just please.?

Me and my boyfriend tried having sex today, it hurt really bleak so we stopped. This is my first time and I want to know if its normal for it to hurt. Is it? And could I still bring back pregnant if he didn't produce semen?

Help!! girls only!?

Yes, most regularly the very first time is uncomfortable. Actually, it may not be that comfortable for a few times, especially if you were not aroused plenty to be very drizzly. If you weren't using a condom and he didn't ejaculate inside you or on you, then you probably won't find pregnant but hopefully you talked roughly speaking STD's and are both clean of them. I would outstandingly recommend you invest in some condoms if you plan on more sexual activities and I don`t know some lubrication too.

Help please ;]?

Yes, you are pregnant if you are not on birth control or he did not wear condom.

I have a query about the depo shot?

Yes, it hurts resembling hell the first time and for several times after and YES you can get pregnant if his penis go inside you. I suggest you talk to your parents give or take a few getting on birth control if you're going to be having sex.

Questions going on for shemale?

Sex for the first time can be uncomfortable. Also, you may own to us lubricant for the fist time to make it more comfortable. Yes, miserably, you can get pregnant near the pre ejaculation. USE a condom.

My entire arm hurts after Gardasil. Is this normal?

Yeah it'll hurt-how much depends on your, uh, previous sexual experiences (forplay) and other things, and his size. Lube or diffferent positions may comfort. Even if he didn't produce semen, there is such a entity called "pre-ejaculate" (which is smaller quantity likely to find you pregnant, but anything is possible) I don't think you could capture pregnant otherwise, but always ALWAYS use a condom, especially if you are not on anything.

What to do for a virgin?

it's completely usual for it to be painful the first time around. that'll grasp better once you start to relax. there's still sperm within precum, but the chances of you getting pregnant from explicitly minimal. just product sure he's always wearing a condom.

Wat is close to a good birth control short taking medicine that make u sick and besides not having sex?

It will probably hurt the first time, depends usually on his size and how much you are aroused. As far as pregnancy go.USE A CONDOM. It's not definate that you'll get pregnant if you don't us one, but why give somebody a lift the risk. Also, you need to watch out even though it's your first time, is it his? If not you need to verbs about STD's. Precum can fetch them as well.

I don't know what the hell is wrong near me?

Don't listen to all the fools out near who don't know what they are talking just about! You CANNOT get pregnant unless he ejaculate in you! You entail semen to fertilize the eggs, the penis can't do it by itself! lol

Women or doctors i have a sound out. If a girl has sex a light of day before a spell can she still get pregnant?

The first time I have sex it hurt really bad but just about our third time it didn't. As for you getting pregnant, yes it can happen. Some individuals don't believe it can happen if the masculine doesn't ejaculate inside you but that isn't true. I should know. I got pregnant and my partner other pulled out. Pre ejaculation carries sperm newly like regular ejaculation.

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