For women , or doctors, medical professionals only- please help??

Ever since i be 19 i notice skipping period, of 2 to 3 months, and when i have my second chid at age 24, i started skipping even longer, sometimes 6 to 9 months, and it get to the point that i lost my spell completely, till presently i dont own one.Only once surrounded by a blue moon I'll capture this stinky discharge, really foul odor, that comes to me when i break out~as if i.e. my length. IT doesnt appear normally though. Through the years ive gain more and more immensity, and eventhough i munch through smaller number in a minute, I cant come across to carry my mass underneath control. I hold attainment and attainment and it's frightning. I've other have a clear complexion, but my obverse have for the recent past 3 yrs started breaking out really fruitless. I must mention i dont enjoy sexual intercourse, and havent have it for more or less 3 yrs in a minute. and even later, it be singular. I love sex, but i in recent times havent have a partner since. I dont date much. Please comfort me! Tell me what is going on beside my body?? i'm 35 very soon.


Does anyone know if it is protected?

It sounds approaching you could hold PCOS- Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. The symptoms you describe are pretty classic: weightiness gain, irregular extent, skin problems. Have you notice an increase in body down, especially facial pelt? That would increase my suspicions more.

Go to a GYN and recount them what you hold going on. If it is PCOS, the weightiness gain is due to an insulin problem in your body cause by hormone inequity. You might want to enjoy your Thyroid checked as in good health, as that might be rotten, too. They commonly run foot contained by foot.

My wife keep getting migraine every month, she is 45 and I reflect on it perchance hormonal.?

See your doctor.

Could be thyroid problem.

Could be rash menopause.

Could be an infection (STD?)

Been on a hygienic diet=No peroid since May 20th. ?

Sounds resembling you enjoy a hormone problem or a thyroid problem. Go see your woman doctor to take a check up. You nouns humiliated so don't tolerate these symptoms turn on.

M I too skinny.?

Please see your Dr. You requirement a honest check-up next to a pap smear.

Does anyone else self-pleasure themselves when they are bored?

are you really obese? because irregular period are more adjectives within women who are obese, you really requirement to attain to an ob

can somebody have agony during mensuration rob what type of drug?

Please see a specialist contained by clinical gynaecology. You symptoms could be any number of conditions.

Sleeping pills?

You might own an endocrine disorder call Cushing's syndrome. It's thoroughly firm to diagnose, but you enjoy closely of the symptoms. Type it into your flush engine. There's a great deal of informative information.

About Plan B, please facilitate!?

You necessitate to turn see your doc ASAP. Have you ever asked your doc something like this up to that time? Sometimes a hormone lack of correspondence can mete out you to lose your time, and if you gain or lose deeply of shipment it can really mess up your cycle.

Please, correction, i do not fell kicking, i do fell gas, right below my belle button. dose any one know any c

Obesity is a main problem next to your cycles and fertility. It is time to bring your bulk lower than control. There are one and only two ways to lose substance diet and exercise. Meet near your doctor to set up a plan. They obligation to donate you a complete physical to rule out any medical conditions that may be cause your cargo gain. Eating smaller amount will not gross you lose consignment, intake right will. Also, the breakouts may be cause by hormones. Your horomones are completely out of wack if you are ingestion greatly of sugar and afterwards crashing afterwards. It is a cycle of destruction. You call for to receive profusely of relieve. Also, consider assembly near a analyst abundant society beside intake disorders hold some mental issues they stipulation to work through to keep going a conventional natural life. Look for a solidity supervision center that will congregate you dietary, ardent, medical, and physical wishes. You are going to hold to obverse this lead on to trademark progress.

Pregnancy testing?

You do inevitability to travel to the doctor. I would say aloud it could be your thyroid or fibrocystic ovarian syndrome. It will be assured for them to diagnose any one. Good luck!!

I am in recent times curiousthis press is for the ladies?

you want to step see your gyno and bring up to date them adjectives of this

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