What is the crucial difference between monistat 1, 3, and 7?

i know there are a different amount of doses, but are the results different?

are at hand any major differences at adjectives?


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Honestly I think that the 3 hours of daylight and 7 day treatments are more reliable than the 1 hours of daylight treatments. Sometimes the quicker treatments don't completely clear up the infection and you find that you have to retreat yourself adjectives over again. I would suggest going with the 7 hours of daylight if you want to be sure that you get over it completely. I suggest the prefilled applicators over the suppositories.

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No the results are not different it just take longer for each one to clear up a yeast infection. Unless you are 100 % positive you enjoy a yeast infection though don't use an over the counter product. First time yeast infections always want to be checked by the doc.

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They all distribute you the same amount of drug, over a different amount of days. The least days it will work within, the more it will cost. So, when I had a yeast infection, and be broke, I needed to buy the 7 - due to price.

Some of the new 1's are surrounded by a coating, so that they can be used during the daytime without dripping--but they cost the most.

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No difference. Just all along time you have to use Monistat. It's adjectives the same drug for yeast infections. There's now one that can even be used any in the time or at night.

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The numbers represent the number of days for treatment. The result is alike; reducing the number of yeast bacteria present contained by the vagina to relieve symptoms of itching and pain.
You don't want adjectives the yeast dead. It is essential to have some present. Too much is call an infection.

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Well the 1s do have more concentrated prescription. However it leaves your body just as hurriedly as the 3s and 7s, so with the 1s you're hoping it's strong plenty that it kills adjectives the yeast in one progress. Usually this works, but some people call for the 3s or 7s to make their infections travel away properly. If the yeast is a bit more resistant, using less pills over a longer time can be more effective for getting a full cure. The plus of using 1s is that if they do work for you, they're easier and more convenient. For really persistent yeast problems doctors other say to use the 7 morning stuff, not the 1 or 3 day ones. For really desperate problems they'll recommend two 7 day pack in a row, for 14 days...

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The singular differnce I know is how many days you lug it and the price. Also if you are pregnant they suggest you use the 7 day. If you own a family dr. you can return with a pill for a yeast infection and mine was gone almost forthwith!!

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