I perceive hollow inside!?

it feels resembling nothing inside me is working...i dont be aware of hollow like oh im melancholic and depressed...literally i feel odd lol i went to the doctors and he say its stress....EVERYTHING is ALWAYS stress...i have the passion its NOT stress lol help!

What is yaz I never hear of it.?

yup i no what u meen. but i filled that hole. it is just a hole that God can fill and if u dont hold God in your time that hole will always be in that. it pro bably is stress but it is also that hole that ONLY GOD can fill if u want to parley email me. go to ur local church and homily to the pastor or find a bible and start reading it. not from the beginning read JOHN its close by the middle of it. the bible is a good source whenever you want help. you can other count on GOD and the bible

What are your worst period symptoms beside cramps and mood swings?

I'm sorry to say aloud that this REALLY IS STRESS.

I know, I've been nearby and have feel the same formerly.

This is stress or the cause of some medication you are taking.

Do u hold 2 be on your period?

Sounds similar to the beginning of depression. With depression you other have an forsaken feeling. Go o a drug stor or robustness food store and buy what's called ginko biloba or st. johns wort nearby both the same. You may reguire some hing stronger such as prozacs or celexia. Ginko is similar to prozacs

Breast lessening?

find something that makes you thrilled and do it... go for a drive and listen to your favorite compact disc and relax.... working out for some people help but if youre anything like me.. later working out makes me tired and and of late blah... maybe you requirement to eat better you know you are what you guzzle... so maybe put away healthier? pastas distribute you energy i be told and for a snack have some oranges to put a short time zang in your swallow reminding you of the warm weather. apposite luck there are so lots ways to feel better... and if you cant transmute something change your attitude...enjoy a good light of day

I like big butts?

I can not set off to tell you the doc is wrong. I do not hold that kind of a amount. But it sounds like it might be more depression than you are inclined or able to concede to your self. It could very powerfully be stress. Stress gives a undamaged mirriad of problems. you need to ask your self are you understress. Take it from some one who have been war depression every day. I am severely depressed. the hardest entry is admitting it to yourself. you enjoy to admit it and except it past you can do any thing something like it.

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