How old be u wen u lost ur virginity?

how old be u wen u lost ur virginity?

I have a principal problem!?

i was 13 & a partially....i was at a event and drinking... and i got screwed by a 15-16 year ancient.... i will never forget that night... my mom be p/od!

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Is this normal?-girls simply please?

im 13 and i haven't lost it yet...............and i dont plan 2 until after im married

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I have my period may 3,2007 when is my subsequent period?

15 1/2

What did women do during menstrual cycles in olden times?

a couple weeks after my 15th birthday

Had a hysterectomy and doc said I should hang about six weeks for ANYTHING(sex), should I wait longer?

I'm 15, I haven't lost it, and don't plan to anytime soon.

I have not have my first period but my facade is breaking out(acne) and I have discharge?

Yes 13 is WAY too infantile, I would say anyone that age can draw from pregnant and be a little wh*re


18.. and I haven't but. Haven't found the right person on the other hand. Ideally, I'd say keep on till marriage, but I also become conscious things happen. Whenever you are organized, not worry going on for the pressure. I do think 13 sounds a bit immature... however

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I resembling the fact that individuals use the word lost when refering to their viginity.. Like oops! where did that item go? lol

The monthly article?

13 is definitely too childish, you are still a child and cannot understand the uncontrolled and biological consequences of having sex. i would right to be heard wait until at least possible 16, when your brain is a little more primed to handle it. i'm 16 myself and haven't lost it on the other hand.

BC question?

i be 21 my bf now lost his when he be 13 it just depends i reason it is to soon at 13 but im with a guy that lost his at 13 so whos to articulate

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Yes, 13 is too young!
Don't believe it when adjectives the other girls say everyone is doing it because they slouch. Don't do something until YOU are ready. You will be happier if you dally, trust me.
You don't need to attain any STDs or get pregnant right immediately. There are STDs out there that can eradicate you and you would be dead up to that time you're 20.
It's your body, not theirs.

I was 32 when I GAVE mine.

You don't own to wait until you're 32. Wait until you're elder, like 18 or 20.

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21, and I' am still a virgin by choice because I want to wait for a committed relationship beside a guy I love and trust. Yes! 13 years old is path to young to lose your virginity because mostly, your body isn't ready physically, mentally, and emotionally to manipulate sex, even if you think your are. Once you lose your virginity you can't never bring back it back. Most women wish they had wait a little longer, don't quality pressured in doing something you don't want to do right very soon because of a guy or because it is a trend. Remember, sex isn't like what you hear, read, or panorama about from other relatives or on TV, it is a big decision that have consequences.

Does lime juice give support to to eliminate vaginal body odor?

I'm 25 and still waiting till after I win married this summer. Both of us are virgins and very proud to be cog of the few waiting to have sex till after marriage ceremony, it definitely give us something to look forward to! =)

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18.. i sort of wish it would enjoy been next to someone special but it was nice to simply get it done and over near... i think 13 is too childish.... it can cause mixed vibrations.. and even pregancy... why risk it?

Could i be pregnant?


Pregnant or not? Help!!?

17 1/2. And yes, 13 is too young. Your partner can be charged beside rape, even if you both consented - and being a convicted kiddie-f**ker is really doomed to failure for your prospects in life span.

I am tryin to quit smokin,whaT SHOULD I DO?

I lost mine when I was 13 and presently I regret it!! You should save your self for that special someone!!! I am 25 And married!

About period?

15 1/2

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