How can I lose 20 lbs. in two weeks ?

I am 13 and weigh 146 lbs., I am not tubby but I want to lose 20 lbs. in two weeks back softball try-outs begin. How can I do this?

Weird attitude in my lower belly, any ideas?

Healthy solidity loss is a slow process. You're not going to be able to find rid of 20 pounds in two weeks and still be fit for tryouts.

Just do your best. If you're a apt player, your weight probably won't situation to who ever is in charge of picking empire.

The contraceptive pill?

it will make you sick to losse that much at a time.
losing 2 pounds a week is the max to stay thriving
just guzzle healthy and exercise somewhat bit

Self esteem problem?

no way

Lose substance?!?

You can't, two weeks isn't long enough. Even if you starved and puked for two weeks, you still wouldn't be down twenty pounds. The robust rate is about two or three pounds per week, and you can do this by dieting and using some self control, and by in fact getting active which softball should backing. But you have to in actuality put effort into losing shipment, and its not going to be overnight.

So about the pencil that get stuck up my butt yesterday?


Unhealthy=wear a lot of sweat clothes run until you sweat stale about 10 lbs(can be done) don't put the marine back. Do not chomp through and sleep a lot. Then when you step on a mount and realize 126 and you feel miserable you will realize how dumb this thought was.

Menstrual cycle within the past?

do smittys theory if your a prat!

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