Weight loss next to PCOS?

I am 24 and weigh 200 lbs. I have PCOS, and am on hormone psychoanalysis, and follow a strict 1600 calorie diet. I do not eat potatoes, white rice, or bread. I saunter 30 min. most days, and have be following this regimen for 6 months now. I enjoy not lost a single pound! Any tips?

Are you the shortest in your family.?

I own heard that mediform can back. I think it is treatment for diabetes. Apparently it is used seriously now to relieve treat the side effects (such as weight) in PCO. Thinking I might lately be having a chat next to my Dr. about it. Something have to stop this and diet and exercise does not seem to be the answer. Don't safekeeping what anyone says!

Can anyone convey me what it is like to be menopausal?

eat carbs, but surrounded by small amounts. they are essential!

talk to your doctor!

catch on a bicycle.

Drink a LOT of water.

Sleep surrounded by a cool area, procure plenty of sunlight.

i hope by pound you arent referring to $

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