Men's birth control?

Has anyone here heard roughly the new birth control for men? If so, what do you guys meditate about it? Is it polite or bad?

I own this lump on the inside of my breast at the base?

It would be sooooo great for men to be capable of take birth control. Actually I conjecture the gov't should make a vasectomy competent for men who want to get them, they earnings for women to get fix why not men!
No I haven't hear going on for any birth control for men.

What are the bright red freckle type marks that appear on the skin and how do you or can you seize rid of them?

no i didnt even know their was one for men i thought it be only for women.

What would appear if you never went to the Gynocologist?

yup its call 'having a laptop on your lap too long'. it cause them to go sterile =p


its call a condom theres is no birth control pill or patch for men

hmmm i found this link read it

How can I find a deodorant explicitly only a deodorant and not an anti-perspirant?

I'd hear something was within the you have a relationship?

It won't stop me from taking b/c myself though. I just don't get the impression comfortable putting my heath (risk of pregnancy) surrounded by the hands of a man...his primary risk is child-support, the woman's is a bit more than that...

why no seafood when pregnant?

I hear about experiments on creating one, but no actual pill or anything out there nonetheless. I think it's great. It's great for guys who might grain a little afraid of a axe getting near their parts. Also, for those empire who can't afford a vasectomy right away, but still want to decrease their probability of impregnating a woman.

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