I bleed during intercourse?

I haven't had a run of the mill period this month simply some spotting here and there. And every time me and my husband enjoy intercourse I bleed like a regular term only when we own intercourse though. And not to sound foul but I clean up after ward and use tampons and the next morning here is nothin on it or me. What could be the problem?

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You entail to see a doctor about this. It could be serious and it could not be.

For you Alfa Female: bleeding resembling a period during sex in not typical and these are some causes. I have it for years and found out I had endometriosis. Even the other relations under me hold had it and their cause are listed on this also. This is an article from the medical website timetabled. I think they know more give or take a few it than you do.

Here's the top 10 causes of vaginal bleeding after sex:

Cervical dysplasia: Cervical dysplasia is precancerous change of the epithelial cells that chain the cervix. Risk increases with multiple sexual partner, sex before age 18, childbirth up to that time age 16, or a past history of STDs. Treatment is usually cryosurgery or conisation.

Chlamydia: A bacterial infection to be exact usually transmitted through sexual activity or contact near semen, vaginal fluid, or blood.

Gonorrhea: A usually sexually transmitted disease caused by a microbes.

Several pharmaceutical treatments are available.

Vaginitis or Cervicitis: Inflammation or swelling and infection of the vagina or cervix. Treatment depends on the cause.

Cervical polyps: Cervical polyps are smooth, red or purple, finger-like growths that grow out of the mucuos section of the cervix or the cervical canal. Cervical polyps are extremely fragile, extending out of the cervix, and smoothly and painlessly removed.

Trichomoniasis: A usually sexually transmitted disease caused by protozoan. Can also be passed to newborn during vaginal birth by infected mothers. Although rare, nouns is also possible in touch water, hot tubs, urine, on toilet seating, and in swimming pools. May basis vaginitis.

Vaginal Yeast Infection: An overgrowth of the normal fungi that inhabits the vaginal nouns. Common symptoms include itching, burning, and an odorless, white, cheese-like discharge.

Endometritis or adenomyosis: Endometritis is defined by Dorland's Medical Dictionary, 27th Edition as an inflammation of the endometrium (the innermost layer of the uterus). Both conditions are associated beside endometriosis. Adenomysis is when endometrial tissue attaches itself to the uterus, or another organ such as the ovaries, and grows outside of the uterus.

Uterine polyps: Uterine polyps occur when the endometrium overgrows cause these protrusions into the uterus. It is extremely rare for these growths to grow surrounded by a way that is to say either benign or malignant. Women near uterine polyps frequently experience bleeding between periods (metrorrhagia), other symptoms includes vaginal bleeding after sex, spotting, menorrhagia, bleeding after menopause, and breakthrough bleeding during hormone psychiatric therapy. Hysteroscopic-guided curettage is the prefered treatment, since the normal D&C is vitally an unguided procedure that may miss various of the uterine polyps.

Fibroid tumors: Uterine fibroid tumors are usually benign tumors. They are solid masses made of fibrous tissue. Fibroid tumors are once in a while malignant. Symptoms of fibroid tumors vary among women, beside some women never experiencing any symptoms at all. Women who can dawdle until menopause will see their fibroids shrink and disappear once their bodies stop producing estrogen. It's important that women beside fibroids make sure they never transport estrogen, in any form including birth control pills, since estrogen increases fibroid growth. Several treatments are currently available for uterine fibroid tumors from myomectomy and uterine artery embolization to the traditional hysterectomy.

Diagnosing vaginal bleeding after sex is usually a issue of exclusion. Anytime you experience post-coital bleeding or vaginal bleeding after sex call your doctor on the double!

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It's difficult to know where on earth you are bleeding from, whether it's blood from your uterus, or maybe a cut or sore inside your vagina. But if you haven't have a period and are getting spotting when you hold intercourse then I would step to your Dr or to a well woman clinic to discuss your concerns.

Just required to add, don't read too much into Mary's answer, it terrified me, so I'm sure it would worry you even more. Someone qualified will reassure you greatly quicker than anyone here can.

Wishing you lots of luck.

Non-stop Menstrual Bleeding?

Best to go to your gynecologist and catch checked out. There could be any number of reasons your doing this. I've have this same problem once or twice. The first time was near my ex. At that time I had endomytriosis (cysts on my ovaries) and sex beside my boyfriend would cause spasm and bleeding that would stop a little while latter. I ended up have surgery to get the cysts removed and the throbbing and bleeding stopped.
The next time I experienced it be after I married, it was alike thing as your describing, relatively short period and spotting, and bleeding during sex, well, I found out I be pregnant.
My best advice for you is to carry a pregnancy test first and if it turns out to be unenthusiastic go to your OBGYN and take checked for endomytriosis. Maybe the doctor will be able to tender you something more conclusive.
Well anyway, I hope all this help. Good luck to ya and hope everything turns out all right.

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i have this when i first got near my partner and it continue for a long time i a moment ago thought that it would stop. i was far to fretful to go to my doctor and when i did it turned out that i have got chlamydia past its sell-by date my partner.

It is really easy to clar up beside a course of anti-biotics.

This might not be the case beside you but go to the doctors and gain checked out please

I also have cysts on my ovaries which sometime make happen women to bleed during sex, im just waiting for my date of operation to hold these removed.

there are serious side effects for women if it is chlamydia such as infertility

Please a moment ago got for a check up

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