Non-stop Menstrual Bleeding?

I have have a non-stop period for the end 6 months. I've been to my gynecologist who perform a pap-smear and found nothing out of the routine. She put me on birth control pills that were supposed to trade name my cycle regular but its not working! I enjoy rescheduled another appointment in hopes of trying something new. I am not surrounded by pain, I am not anemic, I do not own cysts or polyps. I believe I have some sort of disorder of the endocrine system which is resulting in an over-abundance of the estrogen hormone. (Too much estrogen can apparently incentive non-stop bleeding. At least this is what I've read.) However, if an over-abundance of estrogen is the suitcase - shouldn't birth control fix it? I am starting to become very desperate and infatuated with resolving this problem. I am inept to perform sexually for my partner and it is as frustrating for him as it is for me. We want to carry married and have kids soon but this is proving to be an emotional/physical drain. This HAS to stop!

I'm not sure im not pregnant.?

she wants to give you another type of bc pills because you are not getting ample medroxyprogesterone.
there are plentiful different types and combinations of bc pills and it's a hit and miss situation sometimes.
i would be screaming bloody murder if i had be on my period for 6 months.
i acclaim your stamina.
congratulations on your marriage and best wishes

Ouch. Period headache. Help!?

have you had this adjectives your life?
Talk to your mum who might own had this at somepoint in her time. She is your mum after all.
it could be something more serious, approaching a tumour, or serious internal bleeding. Your doctor should arrange some scans

Can a woman procure pregnent if you discharch in their anus?

I have a friend whose daughter had a similar problem and she be placed on the pill when your period singular occurred every 4 months. I enjoy a fibroid and that can cause serious bleeding but not for six months but in that is pain involved but not in adjectives cases and they grow and may cause one to look pregnant due to its location.

query why would they put you on birth control pills/dont they contain estorogen b/c i remember my doctor telling me roughly speaking the pill she placed me on and said it had the topmost level of estrogen and my fibroid grew

Opening a condom pkg?

ok your right it does nouns like something hormonal so you are doing the right thing going to the Dr, but why cant you own sex if you are not in dull pain? girl put a couple towels on the bed put a condom on ur man (as u can still get prego while on ur period) and hold fun or do it in the shower its a short time ago blood it washes bad. after all most men brag give or take a few getting their "red wings" (having sex with a girl while she is on her period) and sometimes it can even aid stop the bleeding due to the release of hormones during orgasm.

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