Are these hot flashes?

My cheeks turn bright red and sometimes my forehead as well. The skin feel hot to the touch and I sometimes run a low grade temp 99.1-99.5. My obverse feels resembling its on fire and I only just want it to stop! I am only 26, so no menopause. Its be happening bad and on for a few months a few times a month, so I don't think its the flu although it have been going around here. I enjoy had an IUD for just about 3 years, the low dose hormone one called Mirena. I also transport Adderall for ADHD, but hot flashes is not among the listed side effects. I am have the IUD removed next month at my annual as I am down with the side effect of a 30 pound bulk gain. I am not even sure if these are hot flashes and what I can do to make it stop response like my facade is burning off. Please Help!

I am going to settle to my GYN next month at my programmed appointment, but I need to know what I can do in the order of it right now.

anorexia query?

If you've had one, nearby's no mistaking it: the sudden, intense, hot feeling on your facade and upper body, perhaps preceded or accompany by a rapid heartbeat and sweating, nausea, dizziness, anxiety, headache, vulnerability, or a feeling of suffocation. Some women experience an "aura," an uneasy foreboding just earlier the hot flash, that lets them know what's coming. The flash is followed by a flush, going away you reddened and covered with sweat. You can have a soaker or merely a moist upper lip. A chill can organize off the episode or be the finale.

If you can identify the things that trigger your hot flashes, you've made the first step in getting the upper foot. Keep a record of when they ensue and what you were ingestion or doing, or how you were idea at the time. Many women find that stress tops the charts as a trigger. Was that hot flash in the boardroom a random hit, or be you feeling underneath pressure at the time? Was it a full day of pressure short a break?

Solution: Ease the pressure. Give yourself more time to plan your work, to rehearse your presentation, to deliver your assignments, to arrive where you're going. If you are doing a series of presentations, bestow yourself a chance to relax and cool bad between sessions. And plan your schedule so you avoid meeting or decision making when you're most plausible to be in a sweat.

Other hot flash triggers:

diet pills
spicy food
hot food
hot tubs
hot showers
hot rooms
hot weather

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anxiety? i return with face flushes next to my anxiety.

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NuvaRing ?

Well, you should own your TCH levels checked contained by your thyroid. If you thyroid is not functioning properly your whole body can be out of whack. I have the same problem. Until you know if you hold hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, you cannot treat the problem. I am not saying you do, but it sounds close to what was stirring to me before I turned 30. Also, if anyone surrounded by your family have menopause early, close to my mom did, you still could have it untimely. I know scary.. hey.. Good Luck, when you find out what is going on for sure afterwards you can treat it. You can use natural herbal stuff or prescription. Personally I used the inbred herbal remedies and a few years later my thyroid is functioning fine, and I am pregnant:)

Is this everyday?

I think the symptoms you are have stem from the IUD. I found this on the web. If you want children contained by the future, its probably better not to use an IUD, and to use some other form of Contraceptive.

Warning signs:
Return to your form care provider or facility or run to a hospital immediately if you own any of the warning signs down below. IUD users are at increased risk of infection in the uterus for the first month after insertion, so watch closely for stipulation signs during that time. Be sure to tell the strength care provider that you are using an IUD for contraception. Warning signs include:
Late length or other signs of pregnancy.
Bleeding or spotting between periods or after intercourse that any continues beyond 3-6 months after insertion or that starts a few months after insertion.
Severe pain within your belly.
Pain during intercourse.
Unusual discharge from your vagina.
Fever and/or chills
You notice a missing string, or a shorter or longer string.
You can have a feeling the hard portion of the IUD in your vagina or at your cervix when checking for the strings.

I also found this correlation about a Class Action: Lots of nation with side effects.

I would probably stir to the ER if you have a restlessness for so long, and get the IUD out ASAP. So what if you gain some weightiness, the Adderall suppresses your appetite and I am sure you wont gain 30 lbs. and your Life and health is the MOST IMPORTANT!
Best of Luck!

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