Late, awfully light.....average?

sorry for graphic details, but i don't know any other method to explain this... ok... my pd was supposed to start on/around the 17th of feb... nearby was no sign of it until the 25th of feb... i've not have intercourse since december and had my pd contained by january so i shouldn't be pg... usually i notice for a moment blood the first day of my pd and consequently the 2nd-4th days are the heaviest... today is the 2nd day and my pd is so light that it's hardly passes the testimonial of just spotting... i've have my pd for 7 or 8 years now and i know anyone late is "normal" but i don't remember ever have this light of a pd... the week past i "started" i had pains in the lower departed side of my abdomin when i went to the bathroom and/or strained... is this majority? i don't feel comfortable asking society i know, so i'm hoping someone here can help me...

Help! Curious sister asked!?

itching near white discharge suggests candidiasis, diflucan 150 mg times one is the treatment. secondly just so a home pregnancy audition to verify absence of pregnancy. see a doctor if like thing happen next month or if symptoms appear to worsen, good luck

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