Have you ever had an experience where everything around you fades away?

I was at my Dr.'s bureau, got weigh, then have this "out of it" feeling. All I saw be the # on the scale 102 . I looked up & saw the nurse, she be talking to me but she be a blur & I couldn't understand her (like she be speaking German or.) She asked if I was ok, but I couldn't form a sentence. She put me surrounded by a room & the Dr came contained by. I told him why I was in that. Then I told him about the "episode" & he blew it rotten, wrote me a script for steroids & disappeared. I was still confused & forgot which entry led out. I be ok when I left & go to the pharmacy & shopping. I don't drink, smoke, or use drugs. What could've caused it? No stupid comments please.

Please backing!?

Yes i have have these episodes. The MDs tell me it can be one of a few things. You enunciate you got steroids so you prominently have some robustness issues already.

Causes can be:
1. Stress or anxiety. Makes your heart go too express and then the blood doesn't draw from to your head as successfully making you feel shaky.
(by the way 'white coat syndrome' is definite.seeing an MD can make you exceedingly anxious inside).

2. Low blood sugar. Did you eat back going to the MD?

3. Dehydration. Not drinking sufficient water can craft you lightheaded.

4. Prescription drugs side effects. Many medications can alter your blood pressure and pulse. The faint feeling comes when your pulse doesn't hang on to your blood pressure up to the matching stratum..usually the system resets itself and off you stir feeling ok afterwards.

5. Sometimes this can take place if you are severely constipated. Again hydration will help hold your bowels moving.

6. Moving too fast from sitting to standing can do it as capably. This is called orthostatic hypotension.

Doctors 'blow it sour' because it isn't 'serious' to them. But, I know if feels awful when it happen.

Good luck.

Health supplements THAT WORK for pmt!!?

steroids to help you gain counterweight..you didn't tell us how elevated you were, but i.e. what i gather.

honourable luck.

Emergency! help!?

Lots of things:

Stress, anxiety in the order of doctors, something you ate, chemical vapors, the list go on and on.

Cysts shall i worry or not?

First of adjectives Im sorry you are not feeling economically,and sorry your doctor will not listen to you.
I've had lots episodes like you describe,here are many things that can effect this.

Here is a few but the list is not exhaustive

1.)Hypoglyemia,if its be a few hours since your last dinnertime,or
if your insulin levels somehow plummet hypoglycemia can cause
out of body experiences,blurry illusion,and feeling totally out of it.

2.)Vertigo if you are also attitude dizzy you could have an inner ear infection triggering dizziness.

3.) an allergy to something in the doctors bureau or something you ate,can cause you to space out,blurry reverie and dizziness.

4.)Anxiety or panic attacks can present you a drop in blood pressure which can bring on an episode of spaciness,dizziness and blurry trance.

5.) neurological problems,toxic building syndrome,candida or many other things can grounds this as well.

If you verbs to have these problems you may requirement to do a little detective work to shrink down the cause and see a specialist who can give support to..

your doctor more then imagined figured you have some inflammation somewhere or vertigo and gave you steriods to oblige control that inflammation.

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