Is this normal?

I started my period when I be about 12. It be irregular for about a year next it started coming at the end of respectively month. Now I'm 15 and a few months ago my period jump to the beginning of respectively month. Then I didn't have one for 2 months. Now my length starts around the middle of each month. Is this mundane or should I go see a doctor?

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It is completely normal. Your body is still going through seriously of hormonal changes. If you want a regular cycle, run on the pill.

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Yeah I'd influence thats normal. You'll find masses times in your fully developed life that hormone change shift the patterns of your cycle and other factor such as stress can also have an affect. You're still childish so its most likely a fresh balance of hormones.

If your still worried I'd absolutely see a doctor though for peace of mind.

Can someone help me near a question almost getting pregnant and the pill?

Yes! I am exactly the same mode. I saw a doctor and she said it was completely conventional! :]

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It is completely normal to own an irregular cycle. Even if it used to be regular many things, ie stress,hormones,etc, can affect your cycle. Also if you are on/changed/or of late started birth control that can also have an impact. Call your doctor and parley to a nurse to see if you should be seen. Good luck!

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