What is a non-medicated way to handle really bad cramps?

I've already taken percocet, but that only handle my back throbbing, so any other meds are out of the question. But these cramps are so dreadful! Help!


I enjoy found that heat really help. If you are not able to sit for a while, a heat pad might be out of the sound out. But they make grill pads that you can "stick" to your body. I don't call in the name but I used to do that when I go to work at a hospital. I was on my foot constantly. I placed one on my abdomen (centered over the most bumpy part) and one on my lower back. They really help.

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I used to get them soooo doomed to failure, so I started taking the pill. Normally if I do get cramps, I drink peppermint tea, put on some sweatpants, go and get a warm blanket &put on socks and try to sleep through the cramps!!

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if your on a realy low or realy high saline diet then drinking more or less saline may help simply dont be silly and have so much you draw from heart problems

another way could be sleep more if you dont sleep more than 7 hours usualy

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HEAT! Get a heat pad. I find that when I own really really bad cramps (during and not during period) adjectives I need to do is to put a heat pad on my rear legs or stomach (where ever the cramps are) It works wonders for me! Also, try poppin a few motrin. That will (should) help alleviate a little bit of the distress!

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heating pad work great!! good luck

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if you exercise regularly then you will hold fewer and smaller number painful cramps

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I obtain really bad cramps.I hold a couple of advil, lie on my tummy and cuddle up contained by a big blanket/sleep through them.

Im doing that right now....

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Supply your body near a ton of calcium. Milk, cheese, yogurt, whatever you close to. Also, try an ice pack. Heating pad make my cramps ten times worse, but rime seems to really serve.

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Try using a heating wad or soaking in a hot bath. Usually the hot marine loosens up the muscles and relieves the pain.

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