I'm about a week and a half late, but I've never had sex what is wrong?


is anyone being diagnosed next to ankylosing spondylitis and what treatment you have be subjected to?

it depends if you have not have your period for long sometimes it can merely be late as you arnt on regular cycles don't worrie roughly speaking it almost happens to every one

What can motivation a females period to be behind!?

what do you mean " week and a partly late" ? from what?

Questions regarding 1st time tampon user.?

sometimes it happen. if u r concerned, go to the doc

I am 26years weak lady. 2years ago I took a dose of Gynacocid tablets and since consequently I haven't got pregnant!

immaculate conception?

Self conscious breasts?

You're body is only out of wack. If it persists, jump see a doctor but one month of a missed period is nil to worry more or less.

How long do girls periods final?

You are the new Virgin Mary and we should be getting geared up for the Second Coming.

Got a donkey handy?

pressure in lower tummy. ovaries kinda hurt as well as my vertebrae. i have hpv. is this cervical cancer?

dont verbs .. girls r irregular all the time.especially if ur youthful!.if you dont get it within another 2 weeks or 15-20 days u should see a doc just to be not detrimental. but overall nothing principal to worry going on for in ur suitcase.

Doctors! Would it be okay if I took birth control although I got my tubes tied?

Don't verbs..can't get pregnant lacking having sex sweetie. Are you below a lot of stress? Stress can do it, also if you are enormously athletic. Don't worry..relax.it'll come... These things take place sometimes. The body can do strange things. You're period will sometimes skip around..but start to verbs after you are having sex... Good luck!

What can be takend to alleviate cramps?

you own to realize as a woman your body changes every month and your body change again before and after your menstrual cycle so don't be alarmed simply realize that not every month you are going to come on your cycle the same time it's shifting!?

all dried out!?

Your body could be changing its own cycle on to a different time-cycle, mine does that, but it could be stress, a dearth of hormones or too much estrogen. Best bet if it does'nt show soon would be to visit your doctor, and remove adjectives doubts and ?'s

I have be having really impossible itching in my vagina, and i dont really no what to do?

I think that you'll be fine. It can be cause by stress and fatigue. Also if you are very physically involved it can throw you a lil off. Get lot's of rest and if after a while it still does not come, see a doc.

How copious days does your period final when you're on the pill?

maybe you could ask whats right..?
maybe somethns realignin...could be the environment...foods..have ya be pillin..or druggn?.that screws up.more than satisfactory and makes buisness for medics...hows yr breathn?
..own ya never?
.ya could be gettn a reaction to birth control pills/or...


Were you abduct by aliens and don't remember?

Is it normal to hold white fluid secrete form my breast.Im not pregnant and or hold any health problems.?

Are you otherwise nourishing?

If no see a doctor.

There are many reason for it.

For most of all, taking in to explanation our weight loss culture and exercise culture is, you may removal enough body lubricant. If you have lost lots of immensity or you have started energetic exercise routine then this would transpire in most casing. Woman/female need minimum body overweight to be regular.


See a doctor if you go on lacking a period for 3 months. Have him run mixed test( Hormone,....)

Can u hav a yeast infection and bacterial infection at the same time?

U r probably a short time ago stressed, it has be known to sometimes suspension the menstrual, I get it adjectives the time. It is nothing to be alarmed just about unless it goes over a month or something I would deem maybe you call for to see your doctor reguarding that.

How long is too long?

Any number of factors can stoppage your ovulation, from stress or illness to travel or jetlag. Since the post-ovulatory phase of your cycle from time to time fluctuates by more than a day or so, delayed ovulation almost assuredly lead to a delayed period.

Hey Women.?

Probably nerves..or body change. How old are you..your body certainly changes just about every 7 years as far as chemical, hormonal.and emotional change go. Also, at hand are other reasons your body might be experiencing this.and I don't want to startle you, but you need to probably see a doctor if you progress as far as a month without a menstruation, and enjoy not been exposed to Spermatozoa.

How do you acquire bigger breasts?or make it look approaching you have bigger breast?

Depends, how long enjoy you had your interval? If you have have it for 2 years or less, consequently it's normal. But former that, you might want to get it checked out, but it's no HUGE explanation for alarm yet.

after have sex, i keep myself verbs, but my g area starts smelling doomed to failure, wot shud i do?

dont worry. it is sometimes depends on your mental, and physical state. hang around little more. if it does not happen later visit
your doctor.

Biblical times and birth/uncleaness/mentruation?

this can be cause from increased stress, uhmmmm..Increase in exercise and is very adjectives in teens.

Question around the plan b pill!! please help me!?


Pill problems?

if you hold never had a sex you should not bother nearly getting pregnant. may be you are over stressed or you are having some hormonal problems or your haemoglobin is low.enjoy a check up.

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