My period is getting worse as i get older why?

I am 41 years old and every month my time of year is getting worse. I have unpromising cramps which i never had since i be a teenager, and enjoy very big clots as all right. Is it something to do with the coil that i enjoy had surrounded by me for 3 years? Anyone had similar experiences.

I took a shower, put on deodorant, but when i come back from arts school, i smelled bad. be did i go rong?

You may be nearing menopause, which cause tons of hormonal fluctuations. Hormonal fluctuations are what cause dismal cramps and extreme blood loss. The more progesterone you release, the more blood and the more pain. Approaching menopause affects your hormonal harmonize.

The coil does probably have something to do wit it, but since I'm not experienced beside coils, I can't tell you anything in the region of it. I do reccomend that you talk to your gyno just about this, though, and coil side effects. I hope that this helped and fitting luck!

A more personal question.?

this sometime happen just in the past menopause

When switching brands of birth control pills, is it normal to enjoy spotting instead of a regular period?

When you win more older you won't own your period because your prehistoric so I guess that is why your spell is getting worse.

I do not want my age shown it has cause problems about guys and elder women please help gratefulness?

I'm no doc, but I know what is. It's probaly endometriosis. No big deal. Make gyno doc hand over you ulrasound and that will be it. It causes the probs your chitchat about. Okay, here will be option. Birth control can put a end to it. I couldn't stand birth control. I finally get mad and told them to pilfer the dam uterus out! Oh man, how great that be. Total relief and no more bleeding! I be only 27, but i didn't prudence about have kids anyhow. I'd suffered since I was 13. Oh! I forgot, they can a short time ago go contained by and clean you out material good (endometriosis is merely fibroids that grow and make period heavy and painful). I only just told em take it out. I recommend that for your age. you don't want to hold going back for that. Unless you want kids.

A flowing diet?

I had alike problem you are describing, I will be 40 this year. I had the Mirena IUD (coil) put within about 9 months ago and things are much better. I could not take off the house when I had my spell it was so big. Now I only get hold of light spotting for a spell.

I think you should consult your Dr.

Problem beside menstuation?

Yes. It could be due to hormones imbalance or in attendance could be some clot internally. However there is an alternative method which you can facilitate to prevent and take while monitoring it. Have you hear of Dunaliella soft capsules? Its anti-oxidant and help us ladies to recover from mensus headache and provides vitamins to the body. Suggestion:

* Take 3 capsules of respectively Dunaliella soft capsules and Nikken EPADHA each day after breakfast.
* Avoid taking yam as it might aggrevate the present problem.

This might be new to you but do check out the exclusive product which is available online. They are pioneer in Micoalgae industry. Highly recommend for adjectives ladies. The products worked well when you transport it together.

Hope this helps. You can other email them at [email protected]

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