Girls & Women! Period Problem!!?

I'm 14 and had my first length in January (when i be 13) and then i missed demonstration and february but it's just come fund this month. On the first day it be mainly this loving of brown/red discharge but now on the second time at first it was pretty unhealthy (blood) but now (evening) it's gone fluffy again and is all the brown discharge. I infer it'll be gone by tomorrow. Is this normal? Is anything wrong near me?

Anyone had a amniocentesis?? Really worried!?

Absolutely! It can hold a few years before your time "settles in" and becomes regular. Many women don't hold a regular period until after they hold been on birth control for a quantity of years.

As far as the heaviness and color budge... those are also normal. This is still brand new to your body and it's an adjustment.

Nothing to worry in the region of. :-)

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yup, impeccably normal

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you are only of late starting and it will take awhile for you to find normal period

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since you simply got it, its gonna be inconsistent. ask your mom or your doctor.

and to answer your examine, yes you are normal.

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Just fine. Stop freaking:)

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yes. its other heavy and dismal red when it first comes on. but when its starts to go away, it turns brown. its completely middle-of-the-road.

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Well i dont chew over any things wrong with you but if your not convinced move about to your doctor, ask you mom, friend your mentrual cycle just discharges what contained by the ovaries from the ebryo stuff or smethign it dusnt have a calender so it comes after whenever you ovulate

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This is completely normal. The first year or so you extent will be completely unpredictable. Some people don't enjoy this problem, so just because your friends didn't own this, don't think it's not typical. It's a bit of a nuisance because you other have to be prepared.

Missed time of year situation.?

It sounds pretty normal. Your body will adjust over time and next you might see a more regular pattern to your term.

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I doubt there is anything wrong beside you it's been lots years since I had my first term. I don't think I be very regular when I be your age either. If you are really worried roughly it though I would talk near your mom and see what she has to read out about it. If you aren't comfortable next to that I strongly suggest speaking with an fully developed that you do feel comfortable conversation about it beside.

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No, not at adjectives. This is perfectly average when your body starts menstruating - the irregularity is usual - for up to 2 years this can continue.

The certainty they are light is commonplace too, that is in recent times your body getting used to menstruating.

The brown blood is just blood explicitly 'old' - because your period are not very regularly the blood turns brown - as your periods become more regular this will mute.

good luck!

When will i capture my period?

That is ordinary when girls first start their period it doesn't budge the way it is suppose to be in motion. Maybe 2-3 years and it will be normal don't verbs your fine.

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ok listen dont obtain afraid. it is normal. i be the same opening when i was 14. i am 15 presently and mine does the same entry. my doctor told me that some girls that start at the age of 13 are going to hve to excpect things like that. So if you inevitability other info go and see your doctor.

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For the most part, it sounds average. Periods are weird. Mine be clockwork reliable for years, and then it be never reliable. It was other late. I wouldn't verbs too much. Just keep an eye on it, and if you haven't already started doing so, consider getting an annual pap smear to label sure everything looks OK.

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uhuh it;s normal. my menstrual flow is seriously hard to digest that i wear double pads and it last for about 3-5 days 'create of the flow. no need to verbs or see a doctor or u'll worry even more.girls near heavy flows similar to urs last 4 a reduced amount of days.
just so u know:
okay i guess ur lucky u don't go tru pains as much as most girls do and if u do afterwards u need to exercize regularly and increase fiber in ur diet e'ryday or just10 days beforehand the cycle hits.
good luck.

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No, there is nil wrong with you at adjectives. When girls first start getting their period it is almost other on an irregular schedule--mine definitely be. Within the first three or four months it should become more regular (you should be getting it every 28 days or so). And don't worry give or take a few the brownish color if it--I'm pretty sure that it can be that color just because it's be building up for awhile. I promise you'll be fine.

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You are fine sweetie.. It is impeccably normal.
Your term Is just starting out so it may filch awile for things to be perfect(and even then they suck). If your length does not seem to come every month however U should chat with your mom (or guardian) and detail them what is going on. It may be a bit embarrassing but they enjoy been through it so don't verbs. It might be a good view to get on birth control. It can assistance your periods grasp on the right track. It will help them be regular (so u know when they are coming and are not surrounded by English class when it comes) and it will help them be a bit lighter.
U can own all shades of red to brown come out though and that is to say normal, U can even hold some quarter size clumps come out and that is OK it is basically the lining not to verbs. Periods suck don't they... Yeah what a great welcome to woman hood... .Why can't we a moment ago get flowers instead.

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it seem normal to me. Your body simply hasn't got into a monthly routine even so. That might take some time. Give it a randomness

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that happen to me too.

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your perfectly usual

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yea, its fine, im 13 now and get mine about this time end yr and i JUST got on a mundane schedule. it used to come similar to every 20 days and then ultimate for ten days only giving me 10 DAYS WITHOUT IT! :( not fun, TRUST ME, not to mention it be heavy and i be always nauseaus, it get better though, dont worry, and you should discern lucky u got to relish ur childhood to the fullest extent

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