Is a girl with a large vagina equivalent to a man with a small penis?

As everyone knows, most girls do not desire a man beside a small penis. There is a giant stigma placed on men with small packages. Why isn't it like peas in a pod for women with full-size vaginas, assuming it is large because she desires very massive penises?
Am I allowed to make fun of girls next to deep vaginas?
By the route, if you're a girl and offended you're probably assuming that I own a small penis due to the nature of this cross-examine but I'm actually above average. I'm lately curious as to why this double-standard exists.

I think "size queens" will be reincarnated as guys beside 4.5" schlongs. Haha

Help! I just have my period!?

It's be my experience that most women do not obsess over penis size to the extent that men close to you do... and among those who have a nouns, it's not always for the huge dong. A big penis can be prickly and too many men muse big penis = good lover and don't bother next to other nuances.

It's foul to make fun of wide vaginas much as it is to make fun of small penises (penii? I've get to look up the correct plural). There's really not much you can do about it surrounded by either grip short of surgery.

i still would like to know where on earth i can find a local female beside a big heart and full of love and big breast?

me and hubby actually find ur ask quite amusing! and yes i believe it should be close to that

Normal weight?

"As everyone know, most girls do not desire a man with a small penis."

Everyone doesn't know that. Most race just watchfulness that sex is an enjoyable experience. Are you insecure or something?

Symptoms of pregnancy?Am I in the inherited way?

i haven't ever encounter a woman i couldn't accommodate so i am a poor person to ask.

Is this menopause or is this pregnancy?

Actually the stigma next to men with small penises is only really a stereotype...being as the maxim goes..."it's not the size of the ship, it's the motion of the the deep." Size really does not matter and it is possible to be too big. No, you should not net fun of a girl's size in any agency. That's very green for one thing as she have no control over what size her vagina is.

Why the 2 h's b4 my period?

almost 7inch? haha!!

Ortho Evra Vs Depo Provera?

My cousin is an amazon. Not butter, just high and big boned. And she gets her fist up inside. Her boyfriend is small I know I be with him beforehand her. She says "it ain't big, newly when he goes adjectives in it hits my spot. I miss the gaping pleasure, hitting that spot is good compromise."

women solitary please?

Ah, don't worry almost that. Yes, girls DO worry if they've get a cave of a vagina beside bats swarming out of it. They verbs if the men having sex beside them is thinking 'God, what a lousy lay!'. This worry intensifies hugely when a woman moves from a previous sexual relationship into another, and think that maybe the subsequent guy wouldn't like her size. Women DO hold a legitimate use to worry. There's childbirth, you know. It can temporarily and for always enlarge the vagina, rendering their partner a bit unsatisfied. I've had that problem next to my ex-husband, and he said it was similar to a b.b. pellet (penis) banging around inside a considerable canteen (vagina). Needless to say, I divorced him. :-D Childbirthing have the potential to totally destroy a woman's confidence surrounded by bed, trust me. Men, on the other hand, are born beside whatever size of penis duration dealt them. It doesn't amendment, except with age. I envy you, really. By the track, 7 inches is good. I do not brand fun of men with small penises. The length of their penises are supposed to correlate to their bodily point. I mean, sh!t, you don't want to see a five foot guy beside a two foot schlong, or a seven foot guy with a two inch schlong, you acquire my meaning? My boyfriend's ten inches, and he's over six foot tall, 291 pounds. Don't be paid fun of girls if they don't do it to you, hmm?

Problem W/Razors?

I'll keep it simple. Yes, I would consider you could put it that way. Us guys readily like vaginas which wrap around our cocks impeccably. You can't deny that. And many girls would love a * fit of filling up their **. BUT, I would influence the latter has garner much more attention than the former.

I used to watch WWE when I be younger... and once, Stephanie and Triple-H (husband and wife) were arguing in public and Stephanie spoke of how small Triple-H's * be. Triple-H retorted by saying "Even a 747 Jet would look small going through the pompous canyon." Hahaha.. I thought that was funny...

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