Married, on birth control, finished time of year...when can I enjoy sex in need a condom?

Title is kinda self explanatory. I began birth control back contained by February so i've had it in my system since consequently. When I got married it was the first time I have sex (didn't use a condom that entire week).The week afterwards I got my period. Can I enjoy sex w/o a condom the week after my period? should I wait two weeks? Not exactly sure what would be "safer" within those terms. Thanks for your advice and information!

Don't you hatred it when a Dr, say a medical exam is painless, and when you enjoy it, you're screaming surrounded by anguish?

if you are on birth control, every light of day is as safe as the next.

if you are not on birth control, the week after your time is NOT safe.

you should learn in the order of the menstrual cycle, sex, pregnancy, and contraception. i'd say you're old adequate to learn!

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