Ectopic pregnancy? (Help, I'm really worried.)

Yesterday I thought that I started my period a few days early, but something is wrong.

My interval usually comes like clockwork and I rarely get anything more than a mild twinge of pain once or twice on heavy days. This is totally different.

I'm bleeding severely little but my cramps are amazingly harsh. They cover my entire pelvic area and quit me doubled over despite taking the max dosage of Midol. (Bought at the gas station yesterday, once I realized this wasn't going away.) I'm also experiencing dizziness, nausea and pain when I move. Also, the blood I'm endorsement is very dark, almost brownish.

I'm afraid that it might be an ectopic pregnancy. Is near anyone out there who has have one or knows more about them?

Answers:    Honey - phone your OB/GYN or if you don't have one, then your regular doctor or be in motion to the ER - TODAY. This isn't something that you can wait out because eventually the fertilized ovum will rupture your fallopian tube and can cause annihilation.

go to the doctors NOW! if you have a tube explode you can die.

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