How much proven, peer-reviewed, scientifically nouns research has be conducted on pregnant women...?
Don't beat yourself up. That isn't going to assistance anything.
Every person metabolizes alcohol differently, so in attendance is no way of knowing what a undamaging level of consumption would be. Since it is impossible to identify a not detrimental dose, they advise thriftiness. It is a way for them to cover their butts.
I do agree that within is a bit of a double standard when it comes to drugs and alcohol during pregnancy. There is a difference, though. Most doctors only recommend drugs if they are medically necessary while pregnant. Alcohol is never indispensable.
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Sounds like you are desperately trying to prove drinking while pregnant. You are right, there is no guarantee that small amounts of alcohol during pregnancy will effect FAS. But clearly any alcohol consumption during gestation poses some risk to the fetus.Unlike the meds you mentioned, however, alcohol has NO liberating benefit to the mother. Accordingly, the risk/benefit analysis becomes moot beside regard to alcohol. So, you detail me, since we know there is a risk to the fetus and no benefit to the mother, how could the counsel be anything other than NO alcohol.?
I didn't have to read the second partly of that to know that you are making a very poor attempt at justifying drinking while pregnant.
It is poisonous, there is proof. Don't do it!
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Its a well set fact that doctors..are within cahoots with the phamecuetical corps and do have your one beer..girl..i wouldnt do it more than once a week...a well brought-up feiend of our family is a retired doctor and he said drs now will tell yu anything..the drug companies..suck up to the drs and they push their drugs..time.You neverrrr hear of a alcohol companie trying to smooze doctors now do you?ha ha its a ll a big activity to them rich democrat and have a brew..achieve those repubs out of office they are with the sole purpose for the big corps and dont really care in the region of the us. ;0)- Mature eyes only vaginas?
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