I have big leg muscles. i've had them since i was bout 7 and now am 16. wat can i do to reduce them?

the muscles are below the back of my knees

My friend have sex, started her period later it stopped really soon..is that bad?

Hi! I twig what you mean. :-)
These losing muscles are called biceps. To trim down them you have to work smaller amount on that area. I scrounging, you have to avoid excercises that increase those muscles (=bicycle, ascent & descent stairs abundantly, sitting on your legs much time..) for a while. If you stop excersising at all the muscles will be decrease >>>but this area is going to be increased in portly. But if you continue some excersise (Prefer stretching excersises,yoga,walking or even nippy walking/"light running" but never running!) it will serve you "increase" [-not much of course-] some muscles in other areas of your legs among the fat and the biceps will be reduced. So your legs are going to look more equal and smooth.
Just get through normal. It's ok if you devour a sweet or something more sometime but try to eat stout. If you are already too slim then you enjoy to put on some weight (around 1 kg maybe) because otherwise you might look "musclier". But if you enjoy normal round just verbs eating as you do immediately. You will see changes contained by the next 1-2 months.
And remember, you are 16 years behind the times and you body changes adjectives the time, even you see it even you don't, so don't wait for hurried changes and don't bestow it up!
You're gonna make it! ;-)

In have need of of your help?

likely thats only just how you are built, lyposuction might work, i dont know.

Period Probs??

These are your calf muscles. If they are musular you can't do anything to reduce them short of surgery or injury and that would feasible cripple you. If you don't exercise, they will get larger, because your muscles will progress flabby on you and be less dense/take more space.

If they are flabby, the conflicting is true and you can reduce your calf size near target toning. Do reps of tiptoes and back down or sand volleyball or walking, or walking or jog. Watch impact and weight training beside squats, etc these are for your front thighs (quads) anyway. Anyway, be careful that you don't hurt your knees trying to develop your legs.

Fat loss is also supported by strength training anywhere in the body because on the increase muscle tone affects your metabolism esp in the highest muscle groups. The major muscle groups (where this is most significant) are thighs and abs, if I'm not mistaken. And metabolism I deduce is also affected by cardio and aerobic exercise. Metabolism, logically, being how stingy and streamlined or wasteful your body is at burning fuel. If you are curvy, you want your body to waste it, this is the divergent of starvation or famine mode.

All this to say, if you stipulation to tighten up your body anywhere, you can improve those areas near overall weight training and cardio.

Women sometimes enjoy overly muscular legs from extensive fitness routines but on average, a woman can't get as beef up or even as "ripped" as a man can anywhere on the body without a unbroken lot of extra workouts, or help from nutrition and cargo gainer powders, or steroids...so I would check your body image too...I don`t know your legs are fine, or maybe you have need of to quit messing with your body chemistry near regard to hormones, steroids, etc. Who know what women are thinking about their bodies at the moment...not assuming, just motto. If this is your situation that could be why. If not, please forgive me, I am glad to be wrong.

What can be done about bumps on the nipples?

I too enjoy big calf muscles. I think its prominent that you not give it too much thought because you are still so young-looking. I'm older and I love my legs. I capture it from my mother. One day you'll judge its beautiful. If you do profoundly of running this will also make your muscles more defined, but if you don't nick care of them they will only just look flabby. I wouldn't recommend trying to do anything about these muscles because they can be sensitive and I wouldn't want you to really hurt yourself

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