I started dieting last month right after my period stopped ...?

and this month I haven't gotten it yet..I don't certainly know how much weight I own lost but I don't FEEL like I own lost that much but my boyfriend says I enjoy. Could this be a reason I missed my time of year? Oh and we use protection...

I am almost sure the urethra is where your urine come out?

First, losing shipment, changing your ingestion habits and the extra stress of upping exersize can cause your period in arrears.
Second, just because you use protection doesn't have it in mind you're 100% protected against pregnancy. Maybe you could take a trial just to be sure. =)

How can I swot up to be more confident?

eating less is the plea

One month late, multiple glum pregnancy tests?

it is because u enjoy lost 2 much weight and ur not eatting plenty

Tampon issues?

YES, change within diet and exercise will def. change your cycle. specifically completely normal and expected. Just monitor it and if you don't take it in 2-3 months stir to your doctor A.S.A.P.

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