Nervous about Going to Gynecologist?

I am in my precipitate 20s and never gone to the gynecologist. It terrifies me. I hold been competent to get birth control through a friend who can prescribe drugs. The intact process is very strange to me. What exactly happens? It lately seems so crude. I am not sure I could be comfortable putting my foot in stirrups. Do I hold to take past its sell-by date my socks? Is a man or woman better?

Why do vaginas have a smelly odor?

truth is it hurts somewhat but its not that bad
its really uncomfortable
they ask u ?'s then ask u to take naked and later do a breast exam then they do an outer vaginal exam and simply check around then they do the inner exam which the doctor puts in 2 fingers to consistency around then they insert a speculum which is cold and helpful of scary but it a short time ago makes ure vaginal walls uncap and stick in a long swab
and next do some sort of a scraping of the cervix for the pap smear.
some populace get rectal exams too, which is notably recommended
and what happend to me was that
the doctor inserted a suppository and i have about 20 minutes to use the restroom and afterwards he stuck his finger in my rectum and checked around for any sort of disease or cancer.
its kind of stinging. but its bearable.
even if the doctor doesnt mention a rectal exam, you should.
its for the best. your own health
man or women do the same item its their job.
they don't charge about your socks.

im me if u hold more questions

When do girls stop growing wider(aka pant size)?

Well they do a breast you get a pap smear and yes you can walk out your socks on id influence women doctors make you discern more comfortable the smear they stick a big q-tip looking thing surrounded by and swab you inside and then assessment it for cancer and other stuff oh and they spread you apart down there near cold metal tong things hurts a little but not much

Why havent I started my extent yet?

Just be sure to stay relaxed during the pap..breath low in and out that help with the insertion of the tongs they will use to examine your cervix and to acquire the sample they will want

Does it hurt? Girls only?

Hey, girl! Well as you would expect it's weird to do the legs entity, really weird (especially when you are 11, that be my first visit ther, u can imagine). For that plea, I guess you would feel more comfortable if it's a woman.
They lately do an external and internal exam, that could feel strange too, but you get used to. Breast nouns, too. Believe me! Now I'm 19, and I kinda don't care anymore nearly going there.
So, breath! U're gonna put together it!

Dr. says gloomy to yeast/bacteria infection, but still have symptoms?

Here is my answer to ANY type of physical (and yes, men own equally embarrassing physicals, too. It is lately society does not talk roughly them. For reasons I do not recognize, every where we budge they make joke about gynecology.)

The purpose of these mortifying tests is one article; to find out if there is anything wrong inside of you! If and when they do find something wrong, and you stir for tests every year, MOST of the time, such problems are pocket-sized, and easy to fix.

So it is GREAT you are going for a physical.

Too oodles people never walk for any test; "too mortifying, too uncomfortable, etc, etc." until the sunshine they end up within the emergency room with a thoroughly big problem! A problem that the doctors CANNOT fix!!

So go, put up beside the cold, the awkward positions, the colder metal, and everything else they do with the thought surrounded by your mind; "I am here because I care just about my health!"

Hope this help.

Just had a hysterectomy, drove inwardly 2 weeks, feelin fine, then suddenly feel tired, and scar hurt!?

i go for my first time march 6 and i'm 25

you jump in and yak real sudden they you change. i have a paper vest and a broadsheet blanket

he came contained by and did a breast exam
then it be time for the stirups
all i feel was a bit of presure
agree to them your know your nervous...they will do what they can


Have you ever have a normal time of year during pregnancy?

Take a friend or relative in the office near you I would suggest getting a woman doctor. first the put what they call the duck surrounded by your private and it holds it open and they use a q tip to swap for check then they stick finger in you to check if everythings majority.

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