What tablet should we use to postpone our periods?

how many times we should use the tablet for postponing once and how oodles days before the date we should use. answers needed soon


have u ever have depression?

omg - this is silly.

periods are unprocessed. postponing them is unnatural. play with the body and it's going to play rear legs.

Question about aunt flow?

try seasonale. you one and only get your time of year 4 times a year. talk to your doctor if your body is right for it (wow did that not a moment ago sound close to a commercial? lol)

Has any1 taken dianette pills and notice a bust increase?

birth control pills would do that..appointment your ob and explain it to him/her and go from here

When you have sex, for the first time, does the feminine bleed? if so why?

Only birth control pills will work. And you have to be on them for at least possible 2-3 months to be able to correction the date of your period.

There is zilch else you can buy that will work.

How do u get ur butt to grow a bit bigger?

IF you want 2 postpone your spell 4 a long amount of time you want 2 take the birth control shot call the DEPO, if you want very short period take the pill call loestrigin 24 periods merely last 3 days. They are both birth control pills but they both work for interval issues!

Women want equal right s but they expect to be treated diff from men?

They are a pain surrounded by the backside, but they are gonna be there whether you close to it or not. You can't postpone them forever. Just get it over and done beside. You can bleed very feebly if you do this.

Umm this is a really strange question but I inevitability an answer for my friend.?

Are you on the pill? Don't take the sugar pills (the ending row). Start a new pack of pills and your spell won't come. My friends have done it.

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