When do girls stop growing wider(aka pant size)?

I just want to know.What age?

What Happens??

all right, you will always procure larger around the waist.that will never change. But if your chitchat about the depth of hips, or growth of bones...it's 24

Birth control question. taking the pill and purchase weight?

LOLOLOL...are you kid?


How can you get rid of body odor?

Unless someone starts intake right (less simple carbs and more protein and complex carbs) they NEVER stop growing wider.
The preferred body parts for fat storage surrounded by women are the sitting area and the tighs, for men it is surrounded by the belly (women will also get a belly after they seize wider buts).
The average American eats almost 3 times what he/she should in simple carbohydrates (all candy, pasta, breads, cookies, pizza, Frency Frieds etc...), which are immediately transformed in chubby and deposited in the areas above mentioned. The large you eat is not the one that is to say deposited in broad, the most part comes from the simple carbs.
This process will jump on for the rest of your life.
Get used to controlling it while it is trouble-free, it gets especially difficult after too much is accumulated.

Semen surrounded by eye?

??Good question...?? I am 28 and still growing!!lol!:)

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