Has anyone tried Kegelmaster device? The testimonials seem impressive. Does it really work as it claims?
Does it really have biofeedback characteristic?
My husband claims my vagina has an odor sometimes during sex? what can I do to prevent this?
Home exercise devices once in a while work the way they should. I wouldn't risk the money. They usually 'guarantee' money rear if you're not satisfied but this once in a blue moon happens because they cause it really hard for you. Don't trust as-seen-on-tv products!
You can do kegel exercises without a device.
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Besides trying out for exercise, you might want to check out one type of herb - "Manjakani", which has magical effect contained by tightened and tone Vagina muscles.Manjakani or Oak gall rejuvenates the vaginal muscular cell with a rich blend of nutrients - Tannins, Tannic, Gallic acids, Vitamin A These are the crucial food supplements and C, Calcium, Iron, Protein and Carbohydrate to sustain the vaginal muscular cell and tissues for renewal and self-repairing routine. Asians have long consumed Manjakani for constricting the vagina muscles after childbirth.
Manjakani is one of the most powerful astringent herb known. Its strong astringent properties aid in tightening and firming up the muscles of the vaginal wall, restoring elasticity, on the way muscles tone and also assisting in reducing vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) that can cause desperate odor. In addition, it also contains instinctive antiseptic properties that are effective within eliminating bacterial, yeast and fungal infections - the chief cause of itching and unpleasant odor in the intimate nouns. Manjakani is also an excellent antioxidant for countering the aging process.
Read more about it here:
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Well i ve been using it for a week in a minute.after many useless years of p.f. exercises,electro-muscle stimulation etc. from obstetric physiotherapists. It s untimely days but i am noticing a difference(and my pelvic floor is pretty atrocious gratefulness to a spectacularly botched forceps delivery 9 years ago.) I am a hopeful for "tightening" surgery but feel the risk of possible bottle pain/damage is too great a risk after all my "bits" hold been through already! I guess it s biofeedback portion is that you can see it moving as you do your contractions so you know you are tightening the right bits, also, as you achieve closure of the device at one picky setting the device is essentially telling you that you are geared up to move to the next height of resistance.I need some info on the birth control pill (alesse)?
I own just read through adjectives the answers before mine. I regard as it would be worth while trying the herbal alternative - consuming the manjakani. Western medicines enjoy long known the long permanent status benefits and healings of the Traditional Chinese Medicine and other herbal medication, it took them a long time to recognise it.I have researched the Kegel profoundly and by reading about how it works, it sounded logic.
So why not try both? Brew some manjakani or pop the pills if they do craft them into pills, and simultaneously use the kegel. It is important to buy it near the biofeedback to monitor your progress and to ensure you are using the apparatus correctly. I understand that at hand are pluses more than minuses in this invention. I read that even if you don't get hold of much improvement surrounded by your condition, the exercise do come with some exciting outcomes!
So correct luck and tell us following what your experiences and outcomes are.