Is this normal?Answers ASAP please!?

Is it normal to enjoy a period on the 8th and 30th of impossible to tell apart month if you are always fundamentally regular?

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no, probably not, I don`t know you are having spotting.

are you have sex? if so the next "period" could really lately be spotting and implantation bleeding (if you got pregnant).

you should run to your doctor to find out for sure.

Do Women.?

This doesn't sound mundane to me but I would recommend checking with your dr to be on the locked side.

first period?

Anytime you enjoy a change within your cycle it is a good theory to go see your doctor. Depending on how antediluvian you are, it could just be a cash in your hormones. Good luck!

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A period generally occurs every 30 ish days and vary a bit from that. this has a 23 hours of daylight difference, so it is a bit strange, but wait until your subsequent one, and see the difference between it and your previous one.

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It's hard to say aloud without more info. Sometimes environmental factor can occasionally mess up your regular cycle. For example, stress, travel, recent move, etc. Also, women's bodies like to cycle next to other women that they are close to. If you have moved, changed roommates, get a new best friend, etc. your body might be trying to sync beside hers.
See if comes at a regular time next month.

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