I have a personnel cross-question for women about sex, and the twinge I've been have.?

I've been have sex with my presently husband for 6 years now and give or take a few 2 years ago I started getting a very unpromising pain. Sometimes I find a bad cramping when he pushes to fare. Other time (this is what happen most of the time) I feel a burning response almost before he even get it in. It's so tender at times that I have to generate him stop. It's really starting to cause complications beside our sex life. I'm at the point where on earth I don't really care give or take a few sex anymore. I never get contained by the mood, no matter how much he tries to return with me there. I purely have this entry in my mind that say it’s going to hurt and I don't even want to go there. We hold a great relationship and we are very jovial so I don't want sex to be the thing that make our relationship bad. I hold a doc apt next month so I plan on bring this up later. But for now, is here anyone else with this problem? I really could use some guidance on what to do.

Girls only HELP!?

You poor item! That must be absolutely miserable! People on here can dispense you advice but not a soul knows your body. Are you lubricating satisfactory? Have you tried oral sex first? If you have tried everything, than near really isn't much left to do but make conversation to the doc. Good Luck!

I want 2 hav an orgasm by myself but i dont no how ? can u help me ?

hopefully you are comfortable masturbating??if i suggest you persue this great pleasure experment indulge yourself if this hurts also u need a doctors help---infection??

Terrible cramps?

Because sex can be aching for many reason, and several factors could be cause the experience of pain during sex, finding the solution can be a bit close to solving a mystery (a very bleeding mystery). Not all of these suggestions will apply to everyone, but here are some steps to take
* When did sex start to hurt (has it other hurt)?
* When does the pain open (is it as you’re getting excited, only during access, related to orgasm)?
* Where do you feel the agony (is it in one specific nouns, or more general)?
* Are there still things you can do sexually that don’t create pain?
If you can masturbate minus pain, to be precise both a helpful entity to know, but it can also provide you with much needed release while you integer out how to resume sex with your partner short it hurting. Using masturbation to explore sexual pain is remarkably good because you don’t enjoy to worry give or take a few a partner poking you the wrong way. You can be as kind (or as rough) as you want to be, and you’re always surrounded by control. If penetration near your partner is painful, you may want to use a vibrator or dildo (with lots of lubricant) to explore permeation with masturbation, to discover if it feel the same or different.
Use plenty of lubrication.One of the most adjectives reasons for tight sex is lack of lubrication. There are adjectives sorts of reasons women experience vaginal dryness, but using a personal lubricant can be an confident and effective approach to treat this problem and eliminate a central cause of tender sex.
Communicate with your partner.It can be difficult to chat about sex at the best of times, even for couples who enjoy been together for years. When it comes to conversation about a difficult sexual issue, the communication can carry even trickier. But communication is key to resolving rough sex. Even if the cause is entirely physical, and will move about away with treatment, it’s still historic to talk near your partner about the spasm you’re experiencing and figure out other ways for both of you to delight your sexual needs while you are getting treated. This can truly be one of the positives of experiencing sexual pain, it can force couples to break down communication barrier and eventually lead to a better sex go than before the stomach-ache was experienced.
Experiment beside different sexual positions. For some pain during sex happen as a result of pressure on particular parts of the body. It may be putting pressure on trustworthy joints hurt, or that access at a certain angle is scratchy. Try exploring different sexual positions , and see if this alleviates some of the pain.
Consult a doctor or other healthcare provider. If you can, surrounded by most cases it is worth talking beside your doctor about this. Even if the problem clears up (or seem to clear up) pain during sex can be a symptom of other issues, and knowing this can alert your doctor to other question they may want to ask.

I dout that?

A constant yeast infection could be the problem if it feels approaching sand paper.

Lump underneath armpit?

Sorry, but I'm doing the math in my head - you've be having sex beside your husband since you were 16, and he be 19? Wow.

Anyway, while this certainly may only be a problem with positioning, or even lubrication - I would strongly suggest that you see a gynecologist for a pap smear and pelvic exam. National recommendation are that a woman who is sexually active seize a pap smear every year - and if you are in a high-ranking risk category (early age sex, multiple partners) you should probably get one every 6 months.

That one said - your symptoms are concerning for: infection - could be bacterial infection and inflammation causing dull pain. Or possibly, you've developed an allergy to your husband's sperm (the burning symptom made me think of that). Lastly, and I don't want to panic you, but I'd also be concerned for cervical cancer - which is why you need those pap smears. See if you can find in to see your doctor quicker, and let her know if you've have abnormal bleeding, bleeding after sex, a untried type of vaginal discharge, etc.

Good luck!

What's up down there?

Yes, a yeast infection can later that long if untreated. it will hurt to have sex too beside a yeast infection.

Why a period have women can not sex?

well i somewhat can relate to u but after i had sex it would burn when i have to go pee...it be a urinary tract infection. but the thing is everytime i would enjoy se with my boyfriend he'd use condoms and i other got these UTIs. i even go to the hospital because it hurt so much, they just give me antibiotics and it did help but i'd be afraid to enjoy sex. then we tried again using different condoms and once minus condoms and i was without fault fine. i actually found i be allergic to condoms that say spermicide on them. i dunno if u guy are using condoms but conceivably u r allergic to something now.

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