My experienced girls only please?

I had intercourse for the first time, and I required to know if it really hurted for you or not. I know people read out that u will experience a little misery your first time, but for me, that wasn't "a little affliction." It hurted! I asked my best friend and she said she only experienced for a moment bit. Y does it have 2 be so different? I'm guessing it's the twinge tolerance that females have that others do not. I don't plan on doing that again any time soon, but 2 experienced ladies out at hand, do u feel discomfited your second time around? because that "first time" was ridiculous for me! And I am "of age" if anybody asks.

Do birth control pills really work?

For me intercourse hurt profusely the first time around. It really is different for everyone. Some women are fortunate enough that first time sex doesn't hurt. It doesn't really enjoy anything to do with cramp tolerance. It has to do beside your HYMEN.

"The hymen is a thin membrane that to a certain extent blocks the opening to the vagina. Hymens can be stretched or torn during the first experience of sexual access, which can cause torment. Not all women experience this aching. Some women are born without a hymen; own them tear through use of tampons or physical exertion such as horse wager on riding."

The thickness of the hymen vary from woman to woman as does the structure of it. All of this really translates into the fact that for some, it will hurt more. Usually nearby is some blood involved.

My advice for subsequent time: It's ok to be nervous, but it doesn't suggest that you should rush into things. Make sure that sex is something that you really want and you've found the right guy. Also, make sure you're showery enough in the past having actual intercourse since it will unquestionably hurt otherwise. Relax & enjoy yourself and don't be afraid to relate your guy to go slow.

ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX! Use a condom every single time. You don't want to run the risk of getting pregnant or getting an STD (even if you guess you know the guy pretty well).

Check out the links below and this little quiz:

Has anyone ever considered getting cosmetic surgery?

OMG it freaking HURT!

Any one recommmend a certain birth control?

depends on the women, and the roughnes of the intercourse.

you might be thoroughly sensitive.

Is 34A bra size too small for men?

It can be painful for some ladies, yes. It depends upon how relaxed you are and how tough the tissue is specifically broken; this varies within everyone. If very painful, run see your doctor who can advise you prfessinally. You are not a freak; it does come to pass to some people. Don't be overly concerned; purely go verbalize to your M.D. about self-conscious relations.

What treatments can I get?

it hurt the first few times but it be more because we were both virgins and a short time ago learning what worked and what didn't. Since you be a virgin and have zilch to compare it too you can't really determine if the guy was any upright. Take your time and go slow the subsequent time. If something doesn't feel right let somebody know him. Also knowing what touches you like and can show him will receive it better for you. Believe it or not sex is one of those things that actually take practice to get better.

Birth control pill?

It depends on deeply of factors - how relaxed you are, how turned on you are, how comfortable beside your partner you are, and in standard, just how your body is built.

For me? I'm for a moment on the small side - it took me and my partner many times and some honest lubrication before we get to a rhythm where I be comfortable and enjoying myself.

Just remember - don't be afraid to ask a partner to stir slow to start out, to apply a water base lubricant. Or better yet, set your own stride during intercourse, until you feel comfortable. And relax! Have some fun! Be protected!

First times can be awkward, painful, and appealing, but they do get better. You'll swot what your body likes, the tread it needs, and so on.

If the throbbing tolerence is unbearable, even near all this proposal, then it is significant to go see a doctor. Sometimes, our bodies are biologically too small - do you ever surface uncomfortable next to a tampon in or something similar? Its a fixable problem, and from what I deduce, a pretty easy one to fix too. Just chitchat to a doctor about it - they'll convey you in the right direction.

Sex Ideas?

I can honestly influence that the first time I had sex it be up there next to the most horrible pains I've ever felt within my life. And I enjoy gave birth to 2 babies. So yes it hurt VERY unpromising for me.

However I wasn't relaxed at all. So possibly that made it hurt worse. It got for a moment better each time. The more relaxed you are the smaller amount it will hurt.

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